Saturday, May 25, 2024

SuperSons - Part 2: Training and Lesson's Learned

Here is Part 2! Thank you again to my anonymous friend who wrote the first one. I wouldn't have written this without his inspiration and help!

Part 1: So Much for Superboy


Damian’s mind raced the entire night and considered how he could best help his young friend. Undoubtedly, this is a sensitive topic in more ways than one. After a kick and a punch, back to back yesterday, Jon was out of commission and needed to be taken care of and carried to his bed. Damian realized how easy it might be for a villain to do that to Jon, which is certainly a bad thing; Jon isn’t used to taking damage and if he can be defeated so easily and the bad guys learned that… it wouldn’t be good.

Damian thought and thought, and considered if he should really wait and talk about it with Jon tomorrow. One side of him knows that playing soft and nice is exactly the type of training that would lead Jon to getting taken advantage of; and since he knows now, that he isn't as "Super" as his dad, it's extra important to compensate for that. But at the same time, Damian knows that Jon's his friend and he shouldn't push him to do anything he's not comfortable with. Damian pondered for some time, but decided that he'll decide tomorrow after seeing how Jon is in the morning. After all, Damian knows what makes him such a prodigy is his flexibility and intellect. There's no reason to decide now, what could be wrong tomorrow.
Damian let his mind wander and drifted to sleep without any trouble.

Damian woke up, shaking his head, groaning and stretching out in his sleeping back with an “R” on it. His soft, smooth and trained arms stretched out, pulling their sinew to their maximum as he turned his head and slowly opened his eyes. Jon was sitting up in his bed, wearing his Superman pajamas and crossing his legs as he yawned out. He groaned lightly, bent over slightly and pulled a hand down to his package and rearranged. Damian could see the discomfort on Jon’s face as he went through his motions. Damian started to remember everything he thought about before he fell asleep. 

 “Damiaan… ugh. I’m still sore…” Jon grimaced as he stood up. Damian’s eyes followed Jon's body, and saw stuff shift in his pajamas as he stood up.

“Your nuts?” Damian asked with a smirk on. Damian himself started to get out of his sleeping bag. He still had on his black tank top and shorts. He pulled his shorts down a bit as Jon groggily approached him. Wide open, Damian noticed. A bit careless, considering what they both learned yesterday.