Saturday, January 13, 2024

Avatar The Last Airbender: Critical Hit 2 - Lessons and Fun

Hello, everyone! I meant to post this earlier, but I have a few stories waiting to get posted, so I gotta get them out there. There's one more story coming after this, so stay tuned!


ATLA: Critcal Hit 1 - Redux



Ever since Aang saved the world and defeated Fire Lord Ozai, he hasn’t been the same. And not in a good way; after Fire Lord Ozai forcibly relinquished his bending, he made sure to get his kicks in. Literally.

While Aang’s back was turned, the Fire Lord crushed the young Avatar’s balls with two devastating kicks, exerting all of his adult, fiery fury. Aang did not expect this and was completely helpless and writhing in pain on the border of consciousness as Sokka found him and brought him back. Then as Katara healed him and brought him back, he relieved his trauma and unearthed some memories as an air nomad, which caused Aang to question things; what’s the point of being good when people laugh at this terrible pain, good or bad? And when this can hurt so, so much… Aang didn’t know the point of fighting. Does respect and honor even matter?


It was a traumatic couple of days for Aang, and Katara was soft and delicate with him as a result. She already had tender feelings for Aang, and after his story and seeing the pain he was in, she’s been softer and treated him more delicately. Which on one hand, was kind and done to benefit Aang but it also emasculated him even more. Even more emasculating than attacking his manhood made him feel, to some extent.

Aang wasn’t made to feel any better when after a day, Toph and Sokka started to make light of his condition.

“112 years old, and never got hit in the balls before!”

“Oh, how I wish I could really see Twinkletoes right now!”

“Ha! You’re not missing much. He’s just curled up and grumpy!”

“Sounds like a baby nephew after they wake up from their nap! Come on twinkletoes, you’ve been resting all day, why are you still grumpy!?”

“Guys!” Zuko interrupted them. “It’s not funny, drop it.”

“Come on Sparky, relax. Or are we hitting too close to home?” Toph asked, tilting her head.

Zuko grimaced and huffed. He turned and walked away, not wanting to engage with this right now.

“Oh, it definitely hits too close to home. All guys get hit close to home sometimes! Especially with a sister like Azula.” Sokka shivered and moved a hand low to his thighs when he did so. “Poor Zuko…” Sokka’s face lowered, shaking his head in remembrance of a fallen brother, despite the brother frowning across from him.

“I’m right here, you know!”

“And I bet a brother like you Snoozles, got a bunch of stories that you deserved. Right, Sweetness?” Toph asked, smiling and turning towards Katara, who was busy trying to message Aang with her water.

“Yes, he does. Which is why I don’t understand!” Sokka said, dropping the water and turning around. Aang groaned and turned his back on his loud friends. “Why are you picking on Aang like this! He’s been through a lot!”

“Not more than you put me through.” Sokka pouted.

“And not more than I’m about to if you don’t shut up!” Katara threatened. Sokka shrieked and put some distance between himself and his angry sister.