Monday, May 7, 2018

A Royal Guide to Decency

I've gone and published a coupleof stories recently, so make sure to read them (Especially this one) first!

Certain but oddly unaware, Paul walked with determination straight on in an area that he’s unable to place. There’s something familiar about it, and it made him feel nostalgic. But if someone asked him where he is, or even why he's there, he wouldn’t be able to respond.

A poorly lit corridor surrounded him, and this poorly lit corridor stretched for quite a distance, much to Paul's displeasure. Paul only looked forward, as if there was no other choice. But at one point, he does realize, he has no idea how this badly lit corridor has any light whatsoever. Paul tried to glance around in hopes of finding the source of the weak lighting, in order to find something to throw his mild discontent at. But for some reason, he couldn't turn his head. It's like his head was fixed in place, and only his eyes were able to move. He wasn't even sure if he was in control of his feet, that were emotionlessly moving in front of the other like they were only following orders.

It was at this point Paul started to wonder what's going on.

Then, before he could find a suitable answer to what should be an easy question, he reached the end of the corridor.

A door stood in front. It was an exceptionally boring door. When Paul put his hand on the bronze doorknob, it sent a chill down his spine. Although boring, it was as unfriendly a door could be while still being indistinguishable. Paul moved his other hand to the middle of the wooden door and was able to recognize that it was a very cold door. Much colder then the corridor had been to this point. It made him hesitant to hold onto it any further, as it gave him a harsh feeling that made it clear that Paul was unwelcomed to keep his meaty teenage hands on it. But, his degenerate hand turned the knob and pushed anyways. Paul wasn't sure if he wanted to, but it was quite obvious to him that his opinion didn't matter.

The door creaked open, and inside was something that should've surprised Paul to see.

"Oh, hey Cody."

"Hey Paul." Cody said, without turning around. He was wearing a stylish scarf over a fashionable grey coat. Beneath that appeared to be a shirt that sat well, and he wore jeans that hugged him equally nicely, exposing the curves going up his legs. He was staring forwards, and Paul joined his friend at the side. At the moment, in front of them, appeared to be an empty wall. It was grey, and quite unimaginative. Paul assumed the most exciting thing to ever happen to the wall was a lifeless coat of paint drying on it a decade ago. He wasn't sure why Cody was staring at this dull wall, but Cody did so with confidence as if he knew all answers to any questions that could ever be asked was plasteredb and would be obvious of one gave the wall enough of their time. It made Paul feel like he should look at the wall too.
"Did you find the bat?" Cody asked.

"You should find it."

"I'll get around to it."

The two stood and said not much else for some moments. Then it occurred to Paul.

"Wait, what are we staring at?" Paul asked, turning to Cody. Cody's perfectly defined cheeks and sharply toned jaw stayed in place, but his hazel eye moved to it's edge at Paul.

"You don't know?"

"I'm afraid not."

Cody looked back forward and motioned to Paul, as he moved forward. Paul followed, now moving his eyes to the fit boy leading the way. He found this a far more preferable sight.

As the two reached the end of the wall, Cody put his hand on the wall. Cody rested his soft palm gently and stared at his hand, looking like he had something eloquent, but not yet discernible, in mind. Paul wasn't sure whether to stare at the wall or Cody, but he decided upon Cody as it gave him the most immediate pleasure. 
Then, Paul felt a rumbling. Things appeared to begin to shift and sway away from their resting point. He looked back to the wall and saw the space underneath Cody's hand fall into the grey landscape. Cody's hand pushed in and the once very unimaginative wall became very alive.

With loud certainty, the room changed. The wall pulled itself back and Paul could feel the floor beneath him shake and moan, as if it were going under a metamorphosis. Paul looked at the floor, hoping there was still a floor beneath him. There was, but behind him, where he and Cody once stood, was now steps leading down.

"Let's go. We shouldn't dally." Cody said, walking down the steps with no trepidation. Paul followed without a second thought. The steps leading down grew darker and darker until they reached a small corridor which was lit much brighter than the previous one Paul found himself in. The door was much closer too, and the two reached it without more than a shared expression of content blankness. Cody opened the door and inside was another room. It was a normal looking room. It had a metal door to the left, and a red button to the right. Not much else was seen in the decently sized room. It was about the size of the room they were previously standing in, before it formed into a transition.

"Paul, you have to find the bat and glue yourself to it."


"You must also be the better part of valorous."

"Of course." Paul replied.

Cody then walked to the door on the left, and opened it. He walked in, but stopped himself in the middle. He turned himself, his pretty curly hair swirling with his head.

"And also. You have to remember to forget to fall. 

"What?" Paul asked.

"In order to fly, you have to forget to fall."


Cody then turned back into the door and closed it behind him. Paul was now alone in the room.

Paul looked around and made note of the one door, the door Cody left through. On the other side of the room was a button. An ominous red button, and nothing more. Paul fought his instinct and ignored the enigmatic red button. He walked to the door that Cody left through. He grabbed the knob, which was much more friendly than the previous knob, and turned his hand. 

The door was locked.

Paul turned around and walked to the only other new option in the new room. He was standing straight, facing the only further note worthy object around him. The button was at chest level. Paul raised his hand and pushed his finger into the red baseball sized bulbous plastic.

Suddenly, a boxing glove exploded out of the wall. Paul saw this, but was unable to move until the glove connected with his crotch at a nauseating speed. Paul shrieked and feel backwards, holding his crotch with both hands. His eyes closed, leg raised and mouth whimpered. Paul did not expect that to happen. 

Soon, Paul crawled onto his knees and weakly pushed himself up. With heavy breath and hand over balls, he limped back to the door, and tried to open it again. He turned the knob and found it to work this time. The door opened and Paul walked through.

Inside he found what struck him as an apartment. To the right was a pantry, in front was a closed door, and to the left was the rest of the apartment. A living room with a TV playing static in the right inner corner, a rocking chair facing it. The chair was slowly rocking back and forth, creaking with each back and forth. From the pantry to the right of the door, straight ahead was a kitchen, and next to that, in the living room, appeared to be another door. Paul walked in the apartment and cautiously looked around.

Paul first moved to the rocking chair facing the white noise. He slowly inched towards the wooden chair, his eyes unable to move. Then, as he reached his hand out to the chair, he heard a loud noise come from the room across from him. It sounded like a bag of potatoes dropping from a height, followed by said bag of potatoes making a noise like they were unhappy with the lack of care that was being placed upon them.

Paul jumped and turned his head to the noise. He then heard a disgruntled noise, like someone was unhappy with how uppity the bag of potatoes have gotten recently.

Then a loud bang that sent a shiver down Paul's spine.

Paul then heard some walking in the room, and it grew closer to him. Paul was now on the spot. He either had to hold his ground against whatever was behind the door, or do something less confrontational. Paul looked around the room and saw a closet opposite of the door.

His first instinct was to hide. Then he remembered what Cody told him.

"... be the better part of valorous."

Paul thought about this quickly. The better part felt like the smarter part, which warranted discretion. In the same vein, an argument could be made that the better part of discretion was cowardice.

Paul reasoned and valiantly hid himself in the closet.

Paul closed the closet and as he did so, someone walked out of the door. He assumed this was who he was hiding from.

Sven left the door wide open, and his face was one of unmistakable anger. He looked around the room, silence stemming from his voice. He flailed his nostrils and did so again. He appeared to be smelling something. Paul was sure it was him. His conclusion was backed by Sven staring straight into his eyes through the cracks of the closet door. Paul has seen those eyes on Sven before. Those sacrilegious, focused and almost inhuman cold blue eyes. Almost soulless. They looked like sadistic moon's that steamed with cruel and callous intentions. Paul saw a demon looking at him. 

He was petrified in place.

Sven unleashed a bone chilling smirk.

"I know you're there. I know what you've done. Hiding from your fears, like a fucking coward. Typical!" Sven spat out like he were in total control. "Don't lie to yourself! You know you loved this!"

Sven laughed lightly and raised his fist, palm facing front. He held his fist and smirk then laughed a calculated laugh. A laugh you'd hear from a villian in a movie after the hero just activated his trap card. Then his hand opened in a five and shook.

"I'll see you soon."

Then the floor beneath Paul left him hanging, and down he fell. Paul looked down and was unable to see the end.

Paul continued to be victim of gravity until he wanted it to stop, and continued even after. Then he remembered something else that Cody told him.

"In order to fly, you have to forget to fall."

And Paul tried to forget. As his large young adult body careened down the tight shaft, his entire mind was occupied with forgetting how to fall. He wasn't sure how to do this, but that didn't stop him from trying.

But remembering to forget doesn't work, as that means it's already a part of your conscious memory at the moment. And the more you try to forget, the more of your mind is focused on what it is your trying to forget. It would work best to just think about something else completely, such as the Cleveland Indians or the steps one would have to take in order to successfully convince a fashionable man to wear socks with his sandals. 

However, in the act of falling at an alarming pace, Paul found it difficult to think about anything other than the alarming pace at which he was falling.

Paul tried to focus on falling until he stopped falling. Which he did, thanks to the precariously placed pipe before the end of the tunnel. Paul's spread legs were on both sides of the bored pipe, as his eyes almost shot out of his sockets as he felt a lighting strike in his testicles. The entire section of his body, stretching from his rock hard abs to his upper knee was radiating an overwhelming pain that was causing Paul's green eyes to water and handsome face to contort. His strong body inched forward and eventually rested on the cold pipe, very, very, uncomfortably. Tears started to leave Paul's eyes as he hung his head off the pipe. Slowly, he rolled off the pipe, then quickly and unceremoniously plopped to the floor in a whimpering bag of agonizing hunk of boy meat.

Paul curled up and held his nuts for as long as he felt necessary.

Then he kept it up a little bit longer just because he had no inclinations to get up.

Then Paul weakly stood up and looked around. Around him, was a dark brooding room, one not too unlike the ones so far. However, this one had a window in it. And a baseball bat.

Paul remembered he's supposed to find a baseball bat.

He limped over to the orange aluminum bat, and grabbed it by the black tape on the end you're supposed to hold it by. He picked it up with one hand, moved the hand holding his throbbing nads and grabbed it over onto the bat. He firmly grasped the bat, and looked down at it, unsure what has actually been accomplished. 

"You found it." Paul heard next to him. It was his twin brother, Nick. Paul turned to him, and saw that he wasn't wearing any clothes.

Paul looked back down at the bat in his hands and really wanted to bash someone elses balls.

Paul looked back at his brother, standing in front of the window, bare ass there for anyone to see who could peek through. Legs wide spread, hands at his hips. His large cock and low hanging fruit dangling perfectly between his thighs. Paul's always looking for any excuse, and reasoned that Nick was basically asking for it.

Paul reared back and swung his arms up, grabbing the bat as firmly as he could. Then, a follow through as he swung them forward and angled his assault just perfectly, so the fat of the bat would break his brothers nuts.

But it wasn't meant to be.

As the swing up continued, somehow, the bat came loose. Paul watched as the bat elegantly flew through the air, just missing his brother as it turned, almost on an axle through the air. The mean end of the bat fell right through the gap between Nicks balls and his ass perfectly with no room to spare, as the bat rocketed through the air, crashing into and shattering the window. The bat fell through the window and was no longer reachable at the moment.

"Well done." Nick sarcastically spoke with a smirk. He stood the same way he was before, unflinching. 

Paul stared at his naked twin with a grimace on his face. He snapped his foot back and kicked his twin in his naked balls with a mean splat.

That ruined Nick's shit eating grin.

Nick whimpered like a whimp and fell to his knees. His face looked up at his twin with pleadingly injured green eyes. He then moaned and grabbed his searing spuds and rolled into his side.

Paul smiled at the sight. His brother groaned and kicked his legs, his muscular body not able to be of any use. Paul was glad. 

Paul looked up and saw a door. He went through the door and closed it behind him. Inside, he saw a peculiar scene transpire within a large room.

In the middle of the room, he saw Liam and Cody. Cody was wearing the same fashionable clothes he was before, staying warm while also staying fashionable. Liam was dressed in a suit. His pale skin, blue eyes and short red hair sitting on his strong body well, along with the well tailored suit. The suit had a blacker than black blazer, a black shirt under a red tie and black slacks. It looked like he had black eyeliner on and it made him look like a vampire.

Cody and Liam were staring at each other passionately. Blue into hazel, and then tongues into teeth. The two kissed, like the two were finally able to love each other after years of being separated. Each holding the others head as they shared lips, pulling on one another. Then Cody shot his hand down to Liams crotch and grabbed fiercely. Liam looked like he was just tazed and shoo about, but held tightly onto Cody. Cody clamped down even harsher with his bony hand and Liam pulled his head back and cried out painfully.

Liams strong body was visibly larger than Cody's, but also visibly shaking as he had to hold onto Cody. Cody continued to mercilessly tighten his grip on Liam's manhood. Liam's whimpers and sweat only seemed to fuel Cody's libido. Paul could've sworn he heard a crunching sound coincide with Liam's high pitched scream as his strong body shook something extra and tightened around Cody. Liam slowly sunk to the floor with his now red face buried in Cody. Paul could see Liam's bulge being held up despite his strong body falling weakly. Cody's hand twisted, which only created more pain for Liam's already pain warped existence.

Cody's hand collapsed even further and a


was obvious this time. Liam made a gargle as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. He was barely being held up by the strings of his testicles and Cody had the most fulfilled smile on his boyish face. Paul watched as Cody's face turned to face Paul.

Cody used his free hand to point to Paul. With the same finger, he twirled a circle then flicked forwards twice.

Paul turned around, opened the door and closed it as he entered the room.

Paul looked around the room and saw only a giant hole in the corner. He walked over to it and stared into the abyss.

He took a step back, then leaped into the blackness.

Once again, he tried to remember to forget. His body bulleted down feet first, hoping he'd stop falling soon.

He eventually hit the floor feet first, which he found marginally preferable to testicles first. He looked around and saw Justin in a light blue singlet standing across from him. They were in the middle of a room. The room had blue padding on the floor, and was marginally bigger than most rooms Paul has been in so far. Only smaller then the one Cody and Liam were in. 

"Did you find the bat?" Justin asked, in a grappling position.

"I threw it out the window."

"You weren't supposed to do that."

"I assumed as much."

With that, Justin dashed in and tookdown Paul, lying Paul flat on his back with authority. Paul felt Justin roll around him and try to find an advantageous position. Paul lied motionlessly, waiting for Justin to finish.

Justin had Paul in a cradle, Paul completely vulnerable but not giving off the impression he cared all that much. Paul felt Justin's strong body rub himself on Paul and heard his masculine grunts as he maneuvered into a different position.

He then held Paul in a rear-naked choke. Paul couldn't breath too well but was otherwise unaffected.

"How do you like this, HUH?!" Justin yelled, putting emphasis by tightening his strong arms around Paul's windpipe. Paul started gagging and struggled in his attempts to loosen Justin's grip.

Paul then felt Justin's cock grow hard against his back.

"Yeah... can't breathe now, can you fucker?" Justin asked, breathing heavily.

Paul raised his body up and moved his hand to Justin's crotch. He rubbed his hand up and down Justin's hard rod, getting the sexy blond wrestler to moan nicely.

Justin then let go of Paul and threw him to the side. Paul was on his back as Justin rolled ontop and stared into Paul's green with his own dark blue. A smile that could stop a war was seen on Justin's face as he stared at Paul.

Justin moved a hand to his crotch and rubbed himself sensually. Paul looked at the staff in Justin's singlet and saw the mushroom cap grow a bit damp. Justin leaned over and kissed Paul and the two shared their mouths. Paul sent his hand to Justin's groin and felt his huge grade A eggs being held tightly against his singlet. Paul pushed two fingers up into the two orbs and felt them push into the mold. It felt so sensual, so fleshy. Justin groaned and moved his own hand to Paul's crotch and viciously grabbed what he could. Paul jolted and bit Justin's lip. Both boys liked the feeling.

Paul moved his large hand to Justin's larger penis and rubbed it through the elastic fabric. He rubbed it well, as evident by Justin's fluttering. He moaned and held onto Paul's balls with more pressure. This made Paul rub Justin's cock with more viscosity. Justin pulled his head back and moaned passionately as he felt himself reaching climax.

He vibrated and fluttered, but didn't lose grip on Paul's eggs, which he held onto like they were that kept this erotic interaction from floating away. Then, his strong and toned, wrestling built legs tensed and he screamed out, as Justin creamed white all over his abs and soiled his light blue singlet. He closed his hand as he reached his climax, which caused Paul to shriek and dig into Justin's cock with his nails. Justin hollered as he sent a hand to his dick, holding it over Paul's own and fell over the jet black haired hottie.

Both boys moaned and collected their breath.

Then, unexpectedly, Justin turned himself around, his butt to Paul's bulge. Then wrapped his legs around Paul's and pulled back. He had Paul's legs up over his head, and then moved his body back forward. This made sure that Justin's firm ass was below Paul's ass, over Paul's bulge more than anything else. 

Justin rubbed his ass over Paul's bulge, having some fun. Paul looked up as Justin's head turned sideways, looking down at him.

"How do you li-"

Justin didn't finish his statement. The orange aluminum bat that was thrown out the window by Paul connected squarely with Justin' large drained nuts. Justin instantly felt it, and reacted appropriately when a bat comes hurling at you and connects directly with your recently drained testicles. Paul only felt some extra pressure push down on him and saw Justin's head jolt straight and Justin's hands shoot away from the floor as the wrestler fell on top of him. Then he heard a


Then some rolling sounds of something coming to a stop.

Justin fell off and rolled off Paul, then started writhing on the floor next to him. Screaming and whining as he couldn't control himself. Paul looked forward and found the bat.

"Oh, that's where it went." Paul said, as he crawled to the bat, and held it in his hands. He remembered how it went flying through the window, and hoped it wouldn't happen again. Then he remembered what Cody said.

"Paul, you have to find the bat and glue yourself to it."

Paul then realized he needed to find some glue. He looked around the room and found one door behind him in the otherwise closed off room. He walked to the door with bat in hand. 

Before he entered the door, he took one last look behind at Justin in his stained light blue singlet. His eyes were crossed, his legs were kicking and his body was in a spasm. He was heaving and causing quite a scene.  On his side, hands cupped over his crotch, Justin looked to be in a sexy amount of pain. 

Paul turned around and entered the door.

Inside was a room, and inside the room only appeared to be his book bag for school. 

"Why, that's strange." Paul said aloud.

He walked over to his bookbag and picked it up. When he picked his bookbag up, he heard a loud creaking noise in front of him. He looked up and saw a white rectangular door shaped opening appear. He, with bat in one hand and bookbag in the other, walked to the opening, into what felt like a new plane of existence. 

"Hey Paul. You finally found the bat." Cody said, standing ahead.

Inside the room was both Cody and Sven. The room was quite large for some reason, and had different levels to it. It was somewhat reminiscent of a throne room. It even had a throne on top. The throne was dark, had spikes on top and had room for the king's arms to lie. On the throne, was Sven. Naked body on display, with a much less horrifying expression on his Scandinavian face then was previously present. His strong body looked regal and impressive. Less impressive was his package, which was small. A shriveled looking penis sitting softly on top of a simply ok pair of testicles.

But at the bottom of the steps leading to the throne, was a much more impressive sight. Cody was also naked, and his penis and testicles looked magnificent. Huge hefty royal eggs dangling beautifully, and a king sized dick that looked as perfect as Paul thought it would.

"Paul, you have to use the bat." Sven said loudly.

Paul looked up at Sven and he knew it was true.

"For what?" Paul asked.

"Break Cody's balls."

Paul looked back down at Cody. His sweet friendly face. Smiling at his friend. Gorgeous hazel eyes and amazing curly brown hair that never looked better. Paul looked lower at Cody's magnificent slender body. Muscular, but no extra fat anywhere. He was slim but strong. Looking at Cody, you wouldn't of thought Cody's ever eaten a carb. And then lower, Paul's eyes rested on Cody's manhood. It was everything he dreamed of. He looked back up at Cody's face, which was hadn't moved.

"Break his balls, Paul!" Sven beckoned from above.

Paul gulped.

"Paul, remember what I said?" Cody asked.

Paul nodded.

"I don't have any glue."

"Did you check your bag?" Cody responded.

Paul looked in his bag, and found there to be school books, and a paper he forgot to hand in. He also found gorilla glue.

Paul threw the bag forward and put some glue on his hand and then some glue on the bat. He threw the glue to the side and grabbed the gluey part of the bat with his ungluey hand. He then lifted it and put his glue hand on the other side. He swung the bat multiple times, and it stuck to him. He then looked forward at Cody.

"I said BREAK HIS BALLS!" Sven yelled from his throne, now standing up. Paul looked up and Sven had an angry look on his face. Paul felt himself shrink at the sight. He glanced back at Cody, who still had a smile on. A friendly smile. A smile that made Paul feel like everything is all right.

He didn't want to break his balls.

But Paul's arms reared back anyways.

Paul's mind was racing. He did not want to do this. He didn't want to hurt Cody; not again. He remembered what happened earlier when they went shopping. How he hurt Cody. He didn't want to do that again, he didn't want to hurt him like that again.

Paul's legs started moving forward.

Paul didn't want to hurt Cody, not at all. But he was terrified of Sven. When Sven gets angry, he is a menace, unstoppable. Uncontrollable. Paul didn't want to have to deal with his fury. But he doesn't want to deal with hurting someone he cares about again. Paul's mind was racing. Listen to Sven and hurt Cody, or fight his instincts? Paul wasn't sure if he was strong enough.

Paul's mind continued to race as he ran forward, and continued to race as he absentmindedly tripped over the bookbag he foolishly threw in front of him.

However, he forgot to fall.

As Paul was thinking about what to do, he felt his foot stutter over something, then his lower body leave the floor. But he couldn't stop thinking about the situation at hand. And then, he slowly realized that he was floating, soaring effortlessly through the air. He continued to rise up and then came to a very quick conclusion.

Do not think about what is happening.

If you think about how you are flying, if you think about not falling, there is one thing for certain. You will fall. Paul didn't do this. He didn't think about how gravity lost him.

Cody's eyes stayed true as he saw Paul trip over his bag and slowly soar through the air. He watched as he was supposed to, as he saw Paul float above him effortlessly with baseball bat reared in hand. He also saw that Paul's eyes were as wide as saucers.

Sven however, had a look of amazement as he saw Paul slowly soar up and come closer and closer to him.

Paul looked forward and saw Sven staring at him. He then remembered something else Cody said.

"... be the better part of valorous."

And he saw himself come closer and closer to the naked king standing in front of his throne. And Paul thought to himself, what's more valorous than swinging a baseball bat into the kings naked testicles?

Paul screamed as he got closer and rocketed the baseball bat straight up between Sven's sculpted legs. Sven rose up as the bat swiftly struck his pelvis, squashing his small manhood completely. Sven's eyes bulged out of their sockets as he came to realize what just happened. Sven rose up and eventually reached eye level with the infidel in front of him and looked into his rebellious green eyes. Paul looked proud. Like he just spit in the face of the king and got away with it.

Paul then pulled the bat back and let Sven collapse to the floor in an aching state. He fell on his knees and screamed a painful howl as he held his busted testicles. He rolled around and cried out, trying anything to comfort himself. Writhe, kick, heave, cry, curse. Nothing worked, but it didn't stop him from trying.

Paul watched Sven perform these acts until his head bumped against the wall. Then he remembered he wasn't falling, and swiftly fell to the floor.

Paul stood up and looked around and saw Cody staring and Sven writhing still. Paul walked down to Cody with bat still glued.

"You listened to me." Cody said with a smile.

"Yeah, of course I did." Paul said as he got closer to Cody. He couldn't help but smile back.

Paul got closer and tried to raise his hands up to wrap them around Cody, but forgot he glued his hands around a bat. Like a tool. It connected with Cody's bare balls with a thud, which led Cody to double over and hold his balls, grunting.

"Oh my god I'm so-" Paul started off but as he brought his hands up, as one tends to do when they apologize, he struck Cody in the chest with the bat, sending him back to the floor. 

"Oh fuck, sorry, sorry." Paul said, feeling like a proper fool. Cody laughed from the floor, through his pain.

"It's fine, haha... uughh.." Cody said as he pushed himself up. He motioned Paul to come closer, and Paul knelt down, careful not to hit Cody again with his long firm stick he's glued between his hands.

Cody, with a pained face, moved a hand to Paul's cheek. It felt warm. Cody's eyes felt friendly and comforting, as they always do. But they felt more in the moment. Paul felt there was more here then there was before.

Cody moved his head up and closed his eyes, puckering his lips. Paul did the same.

Then Paul felt his head swivel.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Sven screamed in his face with detached jaw and knifed teeth.


Paul shook himself around, totally lost.

"Oh man, you're finally awake hahaha!" Paul heard, to the side of him. He looked to his right and saw Liam laughing hard, in the couch next to him. He looked forward and saw Sven laughing his ass off on his knees, on the floor. He looked to his left and saw Nick laughing too.

"Sorry bro, I told them not wake you up haha."

He then remembered he was at Sven's house. He drove himself and his brother here after the shopping incident to pick up from Liam, who was chilling at Sven's. They got coerced into smoking with them, and he passed out on the couch.

"Oh.. fuck..." Paul said, sitting up holding his head. "Man, whenever I pass out high I get the weirdest fucking dreams..."

"I fucking bet. You were out fucking cold. We were screwing with you the entire time, you just ignored us until Sven screamed in your face for like 10 straight seconds." Liam said, passing Paul a bowl. Paul took it and the lighter and lit it.

"Dude... we even busted you a few times, and you were still knocked out, haha!" Sven laughed as he fell back onto the floor.

Paul couldn't help but laugh, even as he was smoking from the bowl. He had to move it and laugh as he coughed out smoke.

"Jesus dude, was I really that out?"

"Yeah dude. Fuck, I thought you were in a coma." Liam laughed.

"Yo, what were you dreaming about?" Nick asked 

"No, I am not telling you. It was weird." Paul said laughing.

"Come on... was I in it?" Nick asked. 

Paul stared at his brother. "...yes." 

"HA! Who else was?" 

Paul stared at Nick and shook his head. He laughed then looked up. "Uhhh... you, Sven, Liam, Justin and Cody." 

"Of course you were dreaming about Cody." Liam teased. 

"Yo, fuck off." Paul said laughing.

"I bet Cody was helicoptering his dick around, wasn't he?" Sven asked laughing on the floor, getting Liam and Nick to crack up too. 

Paul held his laugh in and raised his foot and feigned a stomp on Sven's crotch. Sven shrieked and moved his hands and his leg up to protect himself. Paul laughed and sat back in the couch. 

"No, he didn't!"  

"Come on..." Nick teased his brother. "Spill some deets." 

Paul looked over at his brother who had a comforting and warm smile. Paul thought about it... 

"Fine, but don't bother me about anything else..." 

"Promise, I won't." Nick said sitting back, eagerly awaiting. 

Paul thought about which detail he should share... 

"...Well, I was about to swing a bat up into your balls, but somehow let go of the bat midswing and it broke through a window. The bat then landed on Justin's balls, who was in the middle of dry humping me with his ass."  

The entire room exploded in laughter. Even Paul cracked up as he heard it aloud for the first time. 

"What the fuck!? That's fucking glorious oh my gahahad!!" Liam said, through tears.

"Wait, wait. How did you break the window with the bat, and then it fell on Justin's balls as he was dry humping you!?" Sven asked. 

"Dude, I have no idea. The dream was weird as fuck! I was even flying at one point." 

"Flying? What?" Liam asked, catching his breath. 

"I just forgot to fall, and just soared through the air. Like a paper airplane. It was lovely." 

"Dude, I want whatever you're having!" Liam exclaimed, laughing. 

"Dude, you supplied me ahahaha!!!" Paul said laughing so hard, he fell on his side. His head landed on his brother's lap. Nick looked down at Paul, and laughed with him. Paul looked up through teary eye at Nick and held a nice smile with him. Nick rubbed Paul's hair and rest his hand on Paul's chest. Paul moved his hand to Nick's. 

"Man, you have the craziest dreams." Nick said to Paul.
"I really do. It's a blessing and a curse." 

"Never a boring day in Paul Stevens mind." Liam said laughing.
"Tell me about it." Paul said laughing. 

"Yo, you guys wanna watch some Arrested Development?" Sven asked aloud. 

"Yo, that sounds fucking awesome." Paul said, getting up off his brother. He scooted in, and made room for Sven on the couch. Sven walked up to the TV and turned it on, getting everything all set up. 

"Yo, let's order some pizza." Nick said aloud. 

"Only if we can get from Giovanni's." Liam added. 

"I'm down." Sven said, walking over to the couch, picking up the bowl and taking a hit. 

"One cheese, One pepporoni and one... Hawaiian..." Liam said with fake disgust. 

"Hey, there is NOTHING WRONG WITH PINEAPPLE ON A PIZZA!" Nick yelled at Liam, who was laughing.

"Oh please, not this again!" Paul laughed. He sat back and closed his eyes letting out a breath along with another laugh. He was feeling much better then he was earlier. He felt something on his chest, and opened his eyes. It was the bowl, repacked, and ready to be hit. Paul took it with a large smile and as he heard Liam and Nick argue over what can or cannot be on a pizza.


  1. Creazy dream! :-) I like it!

  2. Dude can you post pictures of guys that you imagine your characters to look like? I find it so hard to find a cute, yet not generic face to imagine when I'm reading your stories (not your writing, it's really great)

    1. Thanks for your comment!

      I won't lie, my initial reaction was negative regarding this, but despite that, I find myself spending time to look for faces that match my imaginations. If I find accurate representations, I'll make a post to compliment them.

  3. Sven has a tiny package even in Paul's dream lol:) No wonder he's such an ass. Hope he gets humbled a bit in a future story.

    1. Thank you for the comment!

      Sven is a bit of a dick, I won't deny. It would be satisfying to see him receive a proper humbling, wouldn't it? Let's hope the stars align ;)

  4. Awesome surprise story. It was really strange and like wtf but very hot
