Sometimes, things don’t always go
the way you want them to.
You carry on the monotonous pattern of everyday life. Waking up, readying up, moving, stopping. You go in with exceptions based on your own preconceptions.
You expect the subway to be filled with people, who just like you, don't really want to be sitting on the smelly, and poorly kept four hundred ton screaming metal contraption piloted by a 'public servant' whose only two goal's appear to be keep their crap job of conducting a subway train, and inconvenience as many people as possible; the later, at which they are an expert in their field.
Each person on this long, narrow and crowded locomotive go into the day, expecting the day to go a certain way... which means it would go exactly how someone else hoped it would've went for them the last time someone wanted the exact same thing as that person. And they would either be lucky, or they'd be disappointed. Both of which have happened before, and they are just another tally on one side or the other.
Assuming you're grouped in the same empty blob of humanity as those experiencing life on a malnourished subway, you expect to be one of those who can, and should, be labeled, lucky, of course.
Realistically, you expect the subway to move forward, stop, rumble, and occasionally break down as you wait for the subway to grow closer to where you expect to be.
You also expect, unfortunately, for that black lady with a cart to continue to ramble to herself throughout the night whilst, thankfully, refraining from spontaneously comjuring into a piss stained mattress with an odor more rude than the one the homeless man who's, understandably selfishly, takien up 3 seats, is, unfashionably, giving off.
You expect that the currently stalled subway train would eventually start up again and carry on the identical trek it goes on everyday so you can be where you expect yourself to be.
You also expect to fail that test you took no more than 3 hours ago because you haven't the faintest of ideas why Sigmund Freud thinks everyone wants to fuck their own Mother.
With these exceptions, we go into everyday with a sense of determination to accomplish what's asked of us in a way that's adequate enough to be deemed acceptable. We do this, because it's what we're supposed to do, because it's exactly what's been done by the people before us, and will be used as a mold for the people after us to follow. Because that's how society works, and even though everything changes, people never really change.
Noah is having these particular thoughts on this particular day.