Friday, July 13, 2018

Good News is Always On it's Way

Sometimes, things don’t always go the way you want them to.

You carry on the monotonous pattern of everyday life. Waking up, readying up, moving, stopping. You go in with exceptions based on your own preconceptions. 

You expect the subway to be filled with people, who just like you, don't really want to be sitting on the smelly, and poorly kept four hundred ton screaming metal contraption piloted by a 'public servant' whose only two goal's appear to be keep their crap job of conducting a subway train, and inconvenience as many people as possible; the later, at which they are an expert in their field. 

Each person on this long, narrow and crowded locomotive go into the day, expecting the day to go a certain way... which means it would go exactly how someone else hoped it would've went for them the last time someone wanted the exact same thing as that person. And they would either be lucky, or they'd be disappointed. Both of which have happened before, and they are just another tally on one side or the other. 

Assuming you're grouped in the same empty blob of humanity as those experiencing life on a malnourished subway, you expect to be one of those who can, and should, be labeled, lucky, of course. 

Realistically, you expect the subway to move forward, stop, rumble, and occasionally break down as you wait for the subway to grow closer to where you expect to be. 

You also expect, unfortunately, for that black lady with a cart to continue to ramble to herself throughout the night whilst, thankfully, refraining from spontaneously comjuring into a piss stained mattress with an odor more rude than the one the homeless man who's, understandably selfishly, takien up 3 seats, is, unfashionably, giving off. 

You expect that the currently stalled subway train would eventually start up again and carry on the identical trek it goes on everyday so you can be where you expect yourself to be. 

You also expect to fail that test you took no more than 3 hours ago because you haven't the faintest of ideas why Sigmund Freud thinks everyone wants to fuck their own Mother. 

With these exceptions, we go into everyday with a sense of determination to accomplish what's asked of us in a way that's adequate enough to be deemed acceptable. We do this, because it's what we're supposed to do, because it's exactly what's been done by the people before us, and will be used as a mold for the people after us to follow. Because that's how society works, and even though everything changes, people never really change. 

Noah is having these particular thoughts on this particular day. 

Noah is a young man in college. He lives at home with his deaf Mother, who has been able to provide the two of them with a moderately acceptable life despite Noah's father abandoning the two of them when Noah was only 9. However, there is only so much a working class deaf woman can do as time goes on. The bills and work to be done are getting too much for her, and she can't do it all for much longer. This is why Noah is in college, so Noah can do his best to find a career that can sustain himself and his deaf Mother. But sometimes, your best just isn't good enough. 

Noah is not doing well in his classes. There's so many papers he has to write, so much he has to study for, it overwhelms him; and it left his girlfriend to feel neglected. After Noah failed his Psychology test, Noah, with a resounding heaviness, bolted to the subway so he can quickly reach his girlfriends place to tell her that she is wanted, and that he needs her right now. That Noah needs something to go right for him. Everything is so much, and his girlfriend is the only person outside of his Mother that Noah truly cares about, and he can't bear the thought of losing her. 

Noah's girlfriend told Noah, politely, to fuck off. 

No matter how politely this was done, it didn't soften the blow Noah felt from being told it's over between the two of them. Noah mindlessly and hopelessly wandered to the subway heading downtown back home, and sat, wondering, why does he bother? Why bother trying to climb the ladder of success when this is what he gets? 

Noah tries so hard to do what's asked of him, to please his girlfriend, his professors, and most importantly, his sweet deaf Mother who's done everything she legally could for him. But no matter how hard he tries, no matter the effort he puts forward, it's not good enough for any of them. They need him to do more, and there's only so much he can do. 

Noah soon realizes that the subway still hasn't started moving. He looks around to confirm his suspicions, and he sees that they're still sitting on Kimball Street, after about 10 minutes of unenthusiasticlly sitting on Kimball Street. As he realizes this, he hears the conductor speak over the intercom. He says to the inhabitants, that the subway is currently unable to move forward due to internal issues that will be resolved as soon as possible. The conductor recommends those in a hurry to leave and transfer to a different train. He then apologized for the inconvenience, and repeated himself once more. 

The doors open and several people leave the subway car. Noah sits, looking boredly at the open door, then begrudgingly and unconvincingly stands up and pulls himself through the open doors. 

A few steps out, Noah realizes he'd rather just sit and wait for the train to start moving. It's not like he's in a hurry to go home and tell his Mother he might flunk out of the College that she so desperately needs him to graduate from. Noah turns around to return to his seat of brood, but instead watches the train as it's doors close and with growing speed, moves onto better things, leaving Noah behind and tired, standing still and emotionless, as he is now uncomfortably numb as he loses the remaining speck of hope that Noah didn't know he had left within him, along with the subway heading home. Noah finds this suiting, and questions why he didn't expect this. 

With everything so far, you might be thinking the whole world is against Noah. 

But that's not true. 

The world doesn't give a fuck about Noah.  

Noah's just in an unfortunate situation where he feels hopeless. 

Noah is a very good looking young man, who is in the prime of his youth. He has very smooth, creamy skin with a few of polka freckles on his stimulating, boyish face. His jaw is sharp, even if a bit angled, his dimples make his smile full and attractive when he finds something to smile about, and his light brown, sort of curly hair, is lucky to be sitting on a face so well crafted. Noah makes sure his hair looks nice, making it sit on his head with a careless grace that's short on the sides, but not too short. Noah knows it looks better this way. His eyes are a unique shade of a darker orange, that some would say are brown. 

But they aren't. They're orange. 

His orange eyes are sullen and with a black undertone below his lids today, which is a good look for Noah. The orange and black look good together. His body is lean, he's a solid height. Noah doesn't have the shit end of everything. 

Despite the genetic lottery Noah won, Noah is hopeless to resist the push, pull and assault that life gives his tender body on a daily basis. Noah feels that every time he takes 3 steps up the ladder of success, life and it's iron, unforgiving fist sends a intrusive uppercut between Noah's sculptured legs and sends him down 5 rings, where he's forced to recollect himself and hope life doesn't find further pleasure in assaulting his manhood. But there's only so many uppercuts to the testicles one can take before they collapse completely and curl into the fetal position, cupping their throbbing livelihood, unable to fight the youthful tears that life seems to find endearing. Then, all you can do is wait on the floor, in complete agony, and hope that life moves on to crush the manhood of some other unsuspecting and foolishly hopeful young man, thus leaving you some free time before life realizes that you aren't totally immobilized. 

Noah is not enjoying this day. 

But despite everything, despite Noah wishing things were better. Despite Noah wishing he was able to keep up with the work given to him by the institution that's paid to tell Noah that he's unworthy, despite the love of his 19 year old life telling him she can't be with him anymore, despite his deaf Mother being so close to breaking apart, and despite Noah wishing his father was still around. Despite all of this, Noah will soon realize something very important. 

Good News is Always On it's Way. 

Even when everything gets too heavy, even when life feels as unforgiving as it's known to be, good news is always on it's way. You just have to be there to open the door. 

As Noah stares at the floor of the subway car like one would stare at an empty tub of ice cream that you were waiting the entire day to dig into, only to realize that someone left the empty tub in the freezer for some cruel reason, a pair of very fine leather shoes stood in his eyesight. After a few seconds, Noah realizes that these shoe's are not moving, but are in fact staring forward, right between Noah's spread legs. 

Noah looks up, and sees that it's a man in a very nice looking attire. Slacks that fit him well with a black belt holding them in place, a tight white dress shirt and a red tie that makes the man look important. His jet black hair looks to have been through a lot, and is just waiting to immerse itself in the intimate relationship with the familiar cotton pillow, as it does every night. 

But the man himself. The man has chocolate eyes, porcelain skin and a smile that shines brighter than any Noah has ever seen. With teeth like god's shoeshine and a smile bigger than the life giving it it's shine, the man looks at Noah with unmistakable confidence and determination. 

"May I sit here?" The man asks, pointing to the seat at Noah's right. 

Noah looks around the car, and sees an Asian woman towards the front, with her purple hat on and small shopping cart with several bags stuffed inside. At the other end, he sees another homeless man sleeping. Noah could see the odor seep out of that heavy jacket that should be labeled a toxic hazard to all around. 


The man sits down next to Noah with pleasure. Noah glares at the man, and wonders what his deal is. The man extends his hand. 

"My name is John. Nice to meet you." John sparkles, as Noah stares at his hand. Noah outstretches his hand and shakes John's. 


"Noah! Great to meet you, Noah. From the looks of it, you've hard a pretty heavy day." John says looking at Noah's telling eyes and drooping posture. 

"Yeah, you could say that. I failed the test I needed to pass, and my girlfriend of 3 years broke up with me because I haven't been able to spend enough time with her because of my classes."

For the first time so far, John's smile went away. A frown appears.

"That sucks, man. Sorry to hear that."

"Yeah..." Noah says with his forehead in hands. 

"Well. When it rains it pours. But... no matter how cliche it is, there is always a rainbow after a downpour."

Noah chuckles. 

"True. But..." Noah starts off, thinking about everything. He sits back in his seat and looks at John, this man who just randomly sat next to him on a train full of empty seats. John has his smile back on, and there's just something about him that Noah can't put his finger on. It gives Noah this odd trust for John. Almost like Noah just wants to tell John everything, and somehow, John would make it feel less shitty. 

John waits patiently for Noah to continue, as the two of them look at each other, filled with thoughts of the other.  

"...It always feels like it's raining. It just never stops man..."

John nods. "That will just make the rainbow feel that much brighter. Good news is always on it's way Noah. You just have to be there."

Noah nods and thinks a bit. John picks back up before Noah can respond. 

"And there's a sense of happiness that comes from hurting like you are, trust me. That means your alive, and if you're alive, that means anything can happen. Anything can happen, and that's something worth living for."

Noah cracks a smile and looks at John admiringly. John's full smile makes Noah feel like good news is right in front of him. 

"Plus, look at you. You're a young, great looking man. You have great hair, you have amazing eyes, which by the way, I've never seen anything like it. Orange eyes?!" John exclaimed. 

Noah lets out a laugh. "Yeah, everyone loves them."

"With good reason! And you look awesome, your jeans fit you perfectly." John says rubbing his hand on Noah's thigh, which felt perfectly natural to both boys in the moment. "And that red flannel fits you perfectly." John says, now rubbing Noah's bicep. "You look fit, and I bet you won't have any trouble finding someone to replace your girl soon. I bet you have a line of people begging to be with you!" Adds John playfully, as he pushes Noah in jest. Noah laughs and shrugs. 

"Yeah, I guess. People have been a lot more friendly with me, especially since I started working out."

"Of course they are! You look awesome Noah. Things aren't as bad as they feel." John speaks sincerely. Noah smiles a smile brighter than any he's held in the past few months, inadvertently mimicking John's. 

John looks away for a moment, and surveys the area. He notices that the train is slowing to a stop, and that this is the stop he was planning to get off on. 

"Listen, I know we just met. And you have a lot going on, but I think you should get off the train with me. You deserve a fun night, and I know I can give it to you." John says strongly, staring into Noah's orange eyes. 

"I... I ju-"

"I know Noah, trust me, I do." John says putting his hand on Noah's knee. "But... you need some time where you do what you want to do. Some time away from everything you should do, and just live in the moment. You're feeling overwhelmed at home, right?"

Noah nods. 

"Then come on! Let's have some fun man..." 
John says as the train comes to a stop. The door opens and Noah sees the outside sky through the open doors. This subway stop for Gacy Avenue is outside, and Noah can feel a cool, refreshing breeze as the door opens. He sees the stars between the slits of the protective wall, and sees freedom. John too, looks out the door at the same time. John stands up, and grabs Noah's hand. 

"Come on Noah!" John exclaims, looking at Noah with a warm smile. Noah moves his head about, and smiles as he stands up and moves with John. 

"Fine, fine. But I have to get going soon, alright?" Noah says happily as he and John gets off the subway. 

Getting off the subway feels as right as anything to Noah. This entire interaction felt perfect to the hopeless young man, like life was finally railroading him to the path he needed to be on in the moment. And the moment he steps off the train, is a moment he instantly knows he'll remember for the rest of his life. 

Noah walks forward and puts his hand on the chilly metal guard, as he overlooks the city and sky. Noah feels like he just stepped in a new world. A world where his responsibilities didn't exist, a world where he could start anew. A world where the trees dance with you and the sun sings sweetly with the moon reflecting it's warmth without a single lost ray of light. He feels free, light as a feather and as bubbly as a rich stay at home Mother's bathtub after a particularly stressful day of doing nothing. 

Noah closes his eyes and takes in as much freedom as his lungs could carry and lets it all out, losing all the heaviness he feels holding him down. Noah opens his eyes and looks at the freedom ahead of him as the night veils a drape of liberty and sparkling fiery suns, shining millions of light years away, projecting life down to Noah, creating a moving picture of beauty and color that tells Noah that good news is here. 

Good news is finally here. 

"Oh my god... I feel so free... so amazing..." Noah says in awe of his experiences in the moment. The tingle he can't describe, the safety that holds him so softly and the energy that has kickstarted the dying engine inside him.

John turns around at Noah, and sees the boy fully immersed in the moment, looking off into the sky. His youthful and seemingly carefree body open and staring at the world above him. Noah's face is smiling with whimsy as magic looks to be seeping through his freckles, clothes and belly that's partially displayed as his arms are in raise, a welcoming V. John can't help but be overcome with glee as Noah fills the air with more than enough for the both of them. John wants to say something, but he know's he shouldn't. This is Noah's moment. 

Noah turns to John, whose smile is bright as the sun. Without much thought, Noah runs up to John and throws his arms around his strong figure. John's caught off guard, but welcomes this with wide arms and a smile just as wide. He laughs lightly as he pats Noah's shoulders, enjoying the embrace. 

Noah pulls back and takes in the moment, marinating in the present tense. John continues to smile and waits for Noah to take in as much as he wants to. 

Noah looks at John's handsome and confident face and stares into the eyes of the man who has allowed him to feel like a child again. 



Noah is content to not change a thing, but soon begins to think he could be doing more. 

"What do you want to do?"

"Hmmm..." John says aloud, looking around. John tries to read the situation and think what Noah would be most receptive to right now. Noah's bubbly, undergoing a gust of energy and wants to have fun. He also knows a place. 

"I know there's a club nearby. You wanna go?"

Noah gives the idea some thought. A club? He's never been to a club before. Noah never thought of it as his scene. 

"Hmmm... sounds exciting! Let's go!" Noah answers nodding his head. John holds his patented wide smile and motions in a direction. 

"Awesome! Let's go!" 

And off they went. 

John leads Noah down the stairs, then the road, and Noah follows with anticipation. The night is a perfect weather, the sky is full of lights with no clouds to block the gorgeousness from raining down, and the two can enjoy the night with each other, all alone. 

At least until they get closer to the club, at which point the delicacy of the moment becomes much less wholesome. More people start appearing, more buildings come into existence and more mindless noise is created to fill the empty air. 

"I've never been to a club before... I'm kinda anxious haha." Noah nervously speaks, as he see's the club grow closer. It has a Neon sign with a light out. It was called 'The Bouncing Castle'

"The Bouncing Castle..." Noah softly mummers, just loud enough for John to hear. 

"Yup. Love this place! I got it good with the owner too. Real great guy, he won't let us wait in line." 

Noah looks at the line reaching along the side of the building. A bunch of girls in short skirts of all different colors with guys who have done their best to look as presentable as possible to the pretty girls that they are biologically entranced by. Tight dress shirts, sexy jeans, well fit slacks were all displayed. They are all itching to get in, and all stood there awkwardly until the bouncer feels they could come in and join the court. 

"We're just gonna go right in? Despite all of those people waiting in line?" Noah asks. 

"Yeah, of course. I told you, I know the boss."

"But, won't the people in line get mad?"

John laughs and stops his steps, and takes a hold of the innocent and sweet boys stern shoulders. "Noah. Don't worry about anyone other than yourself tonight. Just focus on enjoying yourself, okay? That's why you're here. For you. Not for them." 

A smile creeps across Noah's face, as his mind shifts. He always worries about other people, about what's right, what he's supposed to do. Maybe it's time he just does what he wants to do. 

Noah moves in, grabs John by his shirt and pulls him in for a kiss. Because that's what Noah wants to do. 

John is caught totally off guard. It takes him a moment before he kisses back. Noah pulls back, and he sees something on John's face he hasn't seen before. He sees John in the moment, fully immersed. It's almost been like John's been in control of the situation up to this point, like he knows something Noah doesn't. But now, Noah sees John's face in a pure moment, where nothing else matters but what he's feeling right now. Noah see's John's eyes open and doesn't even wait to take in a reaction before he drag's John in by the hand to the door. 

The bouncer steps to the side and lets the two young men enter. Noah hears people make some noises as they just waltz in like they own the place, but he just smiles. Slowly, the bass gets louder and Noah see's the dimly lit club filled with people dancing, drinking, laughing and doing their best to enjoy what's left of their night. 

Noah drags John to the dance floor and starts moving his hips, shoulders and head without a thought. John smiles and dances with Noah. Looking at each other, moving to the flow and existing in the moment, not having many thoughts outside of how well the other is dancing. 

Surrounded by sweaty, ecstasy laced young scantily clothed girls, and testosterone infused bulging boys, Noah and John swing around, bouncing in the dusk-like environment. Alcohol, music to move to and vomit in the air; vomit, alcohol, sweat, piss and some blood on the floor, the Bouncing Castle was performing just as expected and then some. 

Noah and John continue to dance until the dark lighting and booming bass slow down their frames, and the sweat starts to get too heavy. 

John grabs Noah's hand and moves his head in to Noah's ear. 

"Let's get some drinks!"

Noah nods and follows John to the bar. He doesn't even think about the fact that he can't legally have a drink at the ripe age of 19 in the land of the free. He just knows that a drink sounds like something really good right now. 

John orders something for the both of them, as Noah sits and looks at the dance floor as he lets out a long, tired sigh. He takes his flannel shirt, and uses it to wipe the sweat off his forehead. John notices, and see's Noah's hairy 6 pack and smirks. 

"So Noah, tell me about yourself!" John has to exclaim, to be distinguishable over the environment. 

"Uhhhh... my name is Noah!"

John laughs as he thanks the bartender for the drinks and passes Noah his. 

Noah continues. "I... know sign language..." Noah says, not too loudly, then picks up with enthusiasm "Oh, and I'm an only child!"

"Only child?! You're one of those!?" 

"What do you mean those?!" 

"One of those who aren't used to people saying no to them!" John says after he finishes his drink.

"Ha!" Noah laughs before a sip of his surprisingly hard, yet easy to down drink. "I'll have you know, I'm very used to be told to fuck off!" 

John laughs with his caramel eyes glued on Noah's smiling face and appetizing frame, held firnly by his red flannel and more appealing to John, Noah's hugging jeans. 

"Well!" John says before he leans into Noah's ear. "At least one of us is used to it..." John whispers loudly into Noah's ear as he bites gently into a lobe and holds onto Noah's opposite arm around the back, pulling the young, partially compacting the freckled young man. 

John lowers his mouth and kisses Noah's neck, as Noah feels comforted by John's warm passion. John pulls another hand to Noah, this one gracefully clasping the meaty bulge in his jeans. 

Noah moans slightly as he closes his eyes and finds pleasure in the sensations floating all over him right now. 

John drags his hand up, under Noah's red flannel and feels all the tingles as his hand dances up Noah's hairy abs. John feels Noah's breath pushing his abs in and out, which in turn makes his own breath push harder. John moves his mouth to Noah's, and the two share another kiss. Noah moves his hands to John's hips and then lower, holding his ass firmly, as to make sure he doesn't go anywhere for the moment. Then John pulls his face to the side and moves it back to Noah's cheek and licks his hairless jaw and letting out his emotion in a breath that feels like everything and more. 

"Do you want to come back to my place?" John asks, just loud enough for Noah to hear over the roaring music. 

Noah nods and moves John's mouth to face his and share each other one more time. Then John pulls back and leads Noah out by the hand. Noah begins to follow, but pulls John back before they get too far. Noah motions back to the bar, and gets the bartenders attention. 

"One more for the both of us!" 

John leads Noah out of the bar after the two have one more drink, and out away from all the noise, seemingly further into the city. Past the lights that are still on to entertain those who have money to give, towards the lights that are off to tell the degenerates out at night that they have no interest in helping their drunk uncoordinated and loudly rude bodies accomplish whatever it is their misguided minds have the itch to do. Less and less people walk around John and Noah, as they make enough turns to come across a neighborhood. Small samey houses on each side, occasional smaller tree and efficient automobiles parked in front. Noah follows John, and takes in the scenery. Noah finds it all to be wondrous, despite on the surface it all appears to be a very ordinary suburban neighborhood. But to Noah, it feels new. 

"Do you live here?" Noah asks. 

"Oh, God no! We're still a walks away." John replies, almost sounding insulted. 

Noah laughs. "You sound like you wouldn't want to live here." 

"Wouldn't want to live in a neighborhood where everything is the same, where the most exciting thing that happens is the Smith's new dog humping the mailman? Why wouldn't I want to live in such a prolific neighborhood?" John replies, sporting a stronger, more sarcastic smile that he shows to Noah. 

Noah shrugs. "Eh, it doesn't sound so bad. Crime is probably really low, I bet the people are nice."

"I also bet they have a weekly neighborhood watch meeting. Maybe this will be the week where they finally catch that damn hoodlum who won't stop smoking weed under that oak tree!" John exclaims. Noah laughs and nods. 

"And which magical neck of the woods do you live in? The Southside, where anything that isn't nailed down is fair game?" 

"No, I live at the top of a mountain... where all that glitters is gold and with a word... you can get all you could ever ask for..." 

Noah looks at John with raised eyebrows. "Oh really?" Noah asks, almost in jest.

"No. I just live on top of a hill all to myself." John replies. 

Noah asks a more serious "Really?"

"Yeah. A decent sized hill, and I'm the only one up on top. Gorgeous view, when I feel like using it." John says. 

"That sounds nice." 

"It is. Hey, race you to my place!" John says, pushing Noah's shoulder, and jogging in place. 

"Uhh, sure. Wait, I don't even know where you live!" Noah answers. 

"Better let me win then, haha!" John says playfully. He then taps Noah's nuts with fun intentions. Noah grunts and doubles over, moaning. 

"Awww... dickhead!" He croaks laughing. As Noah looks up, he sees John bolting down the street. 

"Fuck!" Noah screams as he runs after John. John has a decent head start, and Noah starts the competition partially handicapped. But, Noah is able to catch up pretty quickly. Now, Noah is only a couple of feet behind John. John turns around, and sees Noah right there. 

"Oh shit!" John lets out, as he kicks it up a gear.

"Get back here!" Noah hollers out, as he kicks it up two gears. He reaches John, and tackles him to the floor. The two laugh and wrestle around on the grass of someone's lawn. John moves his hands around Noah like a professional, feeling much of his young toned frame, trying to find an advantage

Noah is on the backfoot, mostly trying to counteract John's movements. John gets a decent hold of Noah, has his legs wrapped around Noah's midsection and Noah's struggling to do much of anything progressive. 

John puts himself over Noah, and traps both of Noah's strong arms under his slack covered legs. Noah laughs and struggles, but he realizes he can't use his arms. He flails his legs about, but notices that John's just staring down at him with both hands on the sides of him. Noah stops flailing and stares up at John, stars staring down right above them. 

Noah catches his breath and smiles up at John. John breaks the silence. 

"You're gorgeous..." John says lowly. Noah's smile stays there, but seems to grow some. Then John reaches down and grabs onto Noah's lips with his own, and the two share each other some more. Then John lifts his mouth and asks

"Are you ticklish?" 

Noah chuckles. 

"I don't know if I want to answer that."

John laughs and moves a hand to Noah's cheek. He rubs it gently. He moves the other hand to Noah's ribs and dances around, like he were playing a demanding piano piece. Noah explodes in a cacophony of laughter and bashes around.

"Oh so, you ARE!?" John says as he continues to move his hand over Noah's ribcage. Noah shakes his head, laughing vigorously, unable to control his laughter or movements. John laughs too and moves both hands to Noah's ribs and tickles him as best he can. Noah's arms were still trapped, and his legs weren't doing enough. 

With tears in his eyes, Noah belts out 


John laughs along, but keeps it up. Noah starts to feel himself losing breath, but he can't stop laughing or struggling. He tries to untrap his arms from under John's powerful legs. After enough of a struggle, Noah is able to free his arms, and moves a hand to his stomach and tries to protect himself. 

"PLEEHEHAHAHASESTOP!" Noah laughs out. His hands swing, his legs flail, but his friend is undeterred. He insists on continuing this torturing of poor Noah. Noah eventually flails his hand in a way that convinces John to stop. 

In an uncoordinated attack, Noah's free hand flies between John's crotch, and John grunts and freezes. Noah feels what he just attacked, and realizes that he's no longer being attacked with bubbly fun hands. John moans, as he tightens up and begins to pull his hands in to hold his recently assaulted parts. 

"Awww...hawhaw..." John lets out. Then, he lets out a "AIYE!" as Noah wraps his hand around John's bulge before he can cup himself. Noah grasps John's meat with little care, and feels everything John keeps protected with tight cotton, as Noah's long fingers wrap around the soft but firm meat that allows him control in this scenario.

"OH, okay, let go man..." John says with wide eyes and a smile. 

"Oh, no SIR-E! This is payback, bitch!" Noah says as he starts to push on John. John is unable to compete with Noah, and falls off him easily. Noah is now sitting over John, kneeling over his immobilized frame. Noah looks down at John, at his strong body in his well fitting dress clothes. At his handsome face, black and now messy looking hair. Defined, and strong staring up at Noah with playful mocha eyes. Noah smiles down at John and closes his hand a bit. John winces and whines, and moves his hands to Noah's wrist. Noah laughs and bends over, and kisses John once more. The two share a moment together until they are interrupted. 

"Hey, I don't care what you two do, but don't do it on my lawn!" 

Noah looks up and sees a man a few feet from them in a robe. Noah shakes his head and stammers to his feet. 

"S-sorry sir." Noah lets out, embarrassed. John looks up and sees an about 30 year old man not too far from them, in a robe. 

Noah reaches his hand out to help John up, and John gets pulled to his feet. John stands there, hunched over with both hands over his crotch. The man continues to walk to them. 

"I don't mean do be a dick, but come on. Go somewhere else please. I can hear you two from inside and I just got my baby girl to sleep." The man says, a few feet from the two. 

"No, no we get it. We're sorry man." John says for both he and Noah. Noah nods. 

Noah's looking down, then looks up at the man who's at arms length. Then he looks at John, who's looking at the man. Noah understands the man is in the right to be asking them to go somewhere else, but he was having fun with John. Noah felt like his fun was cut short. 

Noah looks back up at the father of at least one, and rears his fist back and throws it forward at the dad's unsuspecting face. In retaliation, the father falls back and attacks the floor with his back, then holds his nose with both hands. 

"What the FUCK!" 

John's eyes are wide and does not know what to do. 

"Come on!" Noah screams, as he pulls on John's arm. John looks at Noah, and see's him inching away as the orange eyed boxer tries to pull him in the direction they were running in before. John moves with him, but keeps his eyes on the man. Then, he hears a baby start to cry loudly. 

"FUCK! FUCKING FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUCCCK!" The man bellows out from the floor. Noah and John run away, hoping to get as far away from this situation as possible. 

After a couple minutes of running, John stops Noah from going any further.  The two stand, catching their breath and thoughts in front of a hill that looks like reaches to the stars. It's riddled with thick trees, and the path ahead looks like the only choice. There is a yellow dead-end sign at the bottom, signifying, the end. 


Noah turns to John and looks into his eyes. 

"Noah, what the fuck was that?!" 

Noah shakes his head. "I don't know, I felt like doing it. You said today was about me, right?" Noah mutters with diminishing confidence as he pulls himself through the sentence. 

John nods his head, grabs Noah's neck and pulls him in for a passionate and strong kiss. Noah's taken by this, but begins to settle in quite pleasantly to the idea before John pulls back and says

"That was so fucking hot."

Noah laughs and goes back in for another kiss. The two share their lips and once, pull back, then decide that wasn't enough and close in again. 

John pushes back and grabs Noah's hand tightly. 

"We're almost there. Follow me!" 

With that, John runs up the hill with Noah in hand. Noah has to run to stay in speed. Almost uncomfortably, but with excitement, Noah runs with his hand held by John. 

It was at this point that Noah begins to feel so incredibly blessed. This all feels like a complete stroke of luck. If Noah didn't step out and be forced to take the next train, he wouldn't of been feeling so immeasurably magnificent and alive right now. Running up the hill, with someone who's shown him the way, holding his hand now and before. 

Despite the lack of light, John's warm hand was enough of a beacon. Noah was unable to make out any surroundings other than John's frame thanks to the encompassing trees that almost shrouded the entire street with shadows. However, none of this was of any deterrent, because Noah knows that good news is running in front of him. He knows good news is waiting at the top of this hill. Noah cannot wait to share his growing sense of appreciation and excitement with the man who's made it all possible.

The two run with shared anticipation, past the heavy and breathing trees. With no other living souls on the way up, an undeniable sense of intimacy and encompassing desolation invigorated the two's senses with pure expression, neither feeling required into acting anyway other than how they want to. Noah begins to laugh out and scream with passion, as he feels himself ask for it. 

John turns around and sees Noah's passionate display and feels himself light up and scream with Noah. Noah responds by screaming louder and the two continued to disturb the silence on the unpopulated hill. 

Noah's throat ravaging beckon dies down as a house becomes apparent over what appears to be the end of the path.

A Gothic looking house stands atop with no trees by it's side. This house towers alone, with 3 harpoon shaped edges atop, stretching to the sky like antennas to heaven in it's black glory. Several windows, rectangles stitched with large roomy ebony diamondback patterns, that stain the glass with it's fashion. The door in front is large, has a golden handle on it that is apparent from a distance away, being one of the only objects with color in this dark picture. It shines like golden gloss on a black board. The angled roof slants down, and stands true and new, not a single sign of wear or tear on this timeless arrangement. The stars above and behind the mansion-esque house hold themselves but spread their personal shine and sparkle, seemingly on John's house alone, letting the mysterious residence appear even more spectacular and noteworthy. The blackness of the place is almost radiant, and the lack of color, brilliant. 

Noah stops walking and hangs in awe, agape and astonished at the beauty in front of him. Noah looks like if were asked to describe what he feels and sees, he would be unable to articulate himself, despite how thoughtful and revealing he appears to be. 

John turns around and sees Noah's amazement and feels a strong sense of accomplishment. He stops walking and stares at his house with Noah, knowing that everything he sacrificed to get to this point, all the risks he's taken, all the investments... it's all been worth it. 

The two stand there for some moments, neither very willing to interrupt the moment. Noah breaks the silence first. 

"John... this is your house?"

"Yeah... it is."

"It's... absolutely gorgeous..."

John smiles a larger smile and nods his head. He moves his palm to Noah's palm and holds Noah's hand, making sure to interlock their fingers, hoping he can share more than what he feels he should say right now. Noah closes his hand with John and the two appreciate everything together. 

Slowly, with confidence, the two walk closer to the house and walk up the four steps to the wooden patio, creaking along each step. They reach the door together, and Noah looks around, unable to make much out, but knowing full well that it's beautiful.

John bends down and finds the floor mat. Noah sees that it says 'Welcome' on it in gold lettering. John moves it and finds a golden key, and puts the floor mat back down. 

"A key under the mat? How cliche..." Noah teases John, who laughs at his own joke. 

John turns to face Noah, and raises his eyebrow. He laughs to himself then turns around and puts the golden key into the golden lock, turns the key and opens the black door. Inside, is more blackness. John moves his hand to the wall, flips the light switches and turns the house on. 

The house begins to rumble, and the lights sound on before anything is seen. Now, in a slow flash, the lights come on and Noah sees the baroque decor brightly and admiringly. Ahead of him, was a spiral staircase heading up, decorated with ornate patterns. It is a lighter dark color with a crimson carpet on the steps. Above hangs a white chandelier that sparkles and jingles with life. Noah looks to the left and sees a wooden dining room table, covered with an intricate white cloth and reigning over a carpet that was designed specifically for the table it is lying under. Noah follows the wall over, and sees a locked door that appears very sturdy next to the spiral steps going up. The door is black, it has a golden lock on the top right that requires a key and a golden knob that seems to ask for a separate key. The door seems prideful, and strong. Although strange depictors to associate with a door, they are accurate. 

Noah turns his head more rightward and sees what appears to be a wooden kitchen table, along with a refrigerator that is lighter than the walls it lies against. Noah is impressed with the inside, and feels excited to see what more is inside this fashionable house. 

Noah hears John lock the door behind him as he steps into the house, and stands beneath the dangling chandelier. Noah turns around and begins to speak. 

"You need to tell me how yo-"

John does not want Noah to finish, and covers Noah's open lips with his own wanting lips. The two passionately kiss once again, and this time there's nothing to stop them. 

John pulls Noah back and throws him against the door and commands a commanding position. The two continue to dance their tongues and lips, as John pulls his hands away from Noah's defined arms and grabs the bottom of his white dress shirt. John pulls his shirt up and breaks the two's connection momentarily, just to make the experience more intimate. John pushes himself back in and holds Noah's warm cheeks, full with blushing blood and moves his tongue inside and touches his hand through Noah's cheek. John moves his hands lower to Noah's chin and holds him with a mix of lust and delicacy. 

John begins to bite onto Noah's lip gently, then a bit harsher, but not drawing blood. John moves his head to Noah's jaw and lavishes his tongue over the defined line with hopes Noah finds this as pleasurable as he does. John's hands move under Noah's flannel and feels his young firm body and John tingles at the touch of Noah's hairy stomach. John moves his mouth back up and loves Noah's lips as his hands hold onto his the brown haired boys sides, with a lustful grasp. 

Noah moves his hands to John's naked pecs and moves them around, feeling as much of the man in front of him as he can. Noah loves everything he's feeling, and wants even more. He lowers his hands and holds onto John's firm ass in his khakis, trying to pop them like balloons, but grateful that they hold firm like pumpkins. Then, John pulls back and pushes Noah against the wall with the help of his red flannel. Noah's orange eyes look at John's brown eyes, in anticipation. 

"Punch me." John says confidently. Noah continues to stare at him. 

"I said punch me!" John commands, pushing Noah further back against the wall. Noah shakes his head and opens his eyes further.


"Fucking punch me!" John almost yells, but does so with unmistakable passion and assertiveness. Noah swings his dominant left hand through the air and connects with John's jaw steadily, like it has no choice in the matter. John is knocked to the floor and breaths fiercely as he holds his assaulted jaw, feeling the pain on his hand. Noah looks down at John, worrying that he hit too hard. 

John looks up and rears his fist back, sending a straight dominant right hand to Noah's eye-level mouth watering crotch, flattening the bulge with vigor and determination. Noah's eyes bulge out and he yelps, instantly dropping onto his knees. He holds his hand over his crotch, totally caught off guard and starts to wheeze a bit as he looks at John with utter confusion. John moves his face back in and catches Noah's lips once again, and slobbers himself all over Noah's mouth. 

Noah is understandably taken aback and finds it difficult to reciprocate, but he begins to try and control himself and return the movements and continue the play made just for two. 

John moves his own hands to Noah's arms that were still connected at the crotch, and moves his hands lower to his hips. John moves his hands further back and runs them up the clefts of his spine, and then rubbing them back down. Noah begins to feel less lightheaded and moves his own hands to John's thighs as John leans over him. 

Now, John moves his hands down under Noah's jeans. He finds the zipper and button, and pulls them down. Noah's wearing loose fitting boxer underwear, and is currently sporting a semi-chub. John moves a hand down to Noah's junk and fondles it without much care about his recently assaulted nuts. Noah cringes and shifts, but doesn't stop anything as he digs his claws into John's strong frame, specifically the broad shoulders that he's currently holding onto.

With his other hand, John tries to lift Noah's flannel off his body. Noah feels this and moves in to help, breaking apart the two's mouths for the moment. 

The flannel gets overhead and John moves back in and holds onto Noah's arms, keeping everything in place, including the flannel overhead. Noah kisses back, but quickly moves his head and tries to take his arms out from the position he was in. 

"Wait, let me-"

John interrupts Noah by pulling his face towards his own, and once again filling his mouth with tongue. Noah kisses for some more seconds but moves away again, feeling uncomfortable without use of his arms. 

Before he can speak however, John shifts his lower hand and grabs Noah's balls without any room for them to breath. Noah grunts and moves himself up and rolls his eyes in response. John speaks before anything else could happen. 

"Don't interrupt me. Okay!?" John says pridefully. Noah looks at John and sees that John is serious about this. But then John begins to let go and kiss Noah's jaw and then moves up. 

"Sorry for being rough." John says as he closes his hand around Noah's balls again, creating more pain for the young man. John can almost feel the dull shockwave coarse through Noah's body, as the two are connected. But John continues.

"But I like it rough, love. And I think you will too." John hastily finishes as he moves his hand around Noah's cock that hasn't grown or shrunk since earlier. 

John fondles it, rubs the head and has fun with it as he and Noah continue to share their intense emotions with one another. Noah, with his athletically slender frame suspended by his red flannel over his head and throbbing testicles, and John with his more bulky frame leaning onto Noah with his hands holding onto what it is they want. One hand Noah's growing cock, and the other dancing around Noah's young and defined, yet somewhat hairy body. Not a jungle, but not bare. Just the way John hoped it would be like. 

Noah's dick grows to full mast, and John pulls back. He looks as Noah, and almost cums at the sight. Cute and catching his breath, sweating and vulnerable, but Noah's orange eyes were ready and trusting of the man they were looking at with everything. John smiles and cracks his cheeks then moves in and kisses Noah's chin. Then he moves lower and finds Noah's 6 and a half inch cock. John pulls Noah's underwear down, and instantly looks down at the one eyed monster and licks the purple head of the beast. Noah moans, and John can taste some salty goo as Noah flutters. 

With one hand at the base of his cock, and the other holding onto his balls, John begins to wrap his tongue around Noah's dick and does everything he needs to in order to make Noah feel like heaven. Noah flutters once again and moves his hips slightly and feels better than his girlfriend ever made him feel. 

Now, John begins to massage Noah's nuts, softly and carefully at first. Kneading them delicately, to make the experience that much more encompassing. As this continues, John begins to feel that this might be going too quickly. He closes his fist more fully, forcing the membrane of Noah's firm testicles to push in and collapse towards the meaty inside and suffocate the orbs dangling inside. Noah grunts and shifts around as the familiar pain starts to intertwine and overwhelm his erotic pleasure. 

"John... my balls, please stAHAHHH..." Noah lets out as John interrupts his plea with a sharp twist, tightening Noah's body. Noah begins to forget that he felt like cumming 10 seconds ago. But his cock does not, and it stays hard. 

John keeps Noah's balls in the position it's in, but lessens his grip and keeps on sucking Noah's swelling penis. Noah's eyes stay wide as he looks as the dangling chandelier over head and is unable to see it anymore as he closes his eyes because John just did something wonderful with the back of his throat. Noah lets out a high pitched moan that sounded as erotic as John hoped it would, and keeps it up. 

John keeps on making Noah feel like the most lucky boy on earth, then makes him feel a pain only a boy can feel; this continues for several minutes, to the point where Noah feels unsure if he's enjoying this. He knows he's never felt anything like this, his girlfriend has never been able to reach such high highs. However, she was never so uncaring with his testicles. No, uncaring is the wrong word. John obviously cares about the firm yet spongey eggs between Noah's legs, it's just that John seems to enjoy the feelings Noah unwillingly experiences  when they get twisted, pulled, squeezed and gnashed. Noah's breath by this point has increased significantly, and doesn't seem to be calming down. 

However, every time Noah's mind gets filled with wishing it were over, John brings it right back in with something that makes Noah so happy to be a boy. This time, Noah feels like he will be coming. He breath becomes shorter and his cock begins to twitch along with his tender young body. 

"Oh god, I'm coming. John, baby I'm coming!"

John feels this and makes sure that Noah comes to the most explosive and cataclysmic orgasm he's ever experienced. 

Noah's moaning and twitching coincides with each other and his mouth and cock erupts in an explosion of ecstasy that stains John's mouth and ears. Noah's mind is washed over with the feelings of the most beautiful feeling he's ever experienced. All the pent up semen, energy, stress and lust explodes at once, leaving him in rainbows of love and primal expression. John then begins to crush down entirely onto Noah's balls, crushing them almost flat. This changes Noah's screams and feelings almost completely. Agony takes over, and torment leaves his mouth in an elongated scream as more cum leaves his cock then it ever has. In part due to the tact displayed by John in build to this crescendo of emotion, and the rest due to all of the sperm in his bags being squeezed out mercilessly, leaving the young 19 year old man completely empty and dry, as well as full of wet dripping affliction. 

Noah's eyes roll back as the intense agony overcomes him, but the feeling of John still sucking on his cock somehow compliments and creates this strange, hypnotic and breathaking dissonance that leaves Noah in a state of incapacitation. 

John sucks for some more moments, and twists Noah's balls just for good measure. He hears a squeal and feels a twitch. But there's no more coming out. He lets go of Noah's balls and let's them plop to the floor, and takes his mouth off of Noah's member. But before he lets it go, he licks the head one last time, with Noah's face in sight. Noah flutters and then John drops it. 

John sits back and looks at the situation in front of him. Noah's eyes are closed, his mouth is agape, his body almost twitching it's covered with sweat, Noah's sexy chest and stomach covered in some hair are inflating and deflating rhythmically, his fit but slender arms still outstretched over his head and his cock and balls are red and used, dangling there. John loves looking at Noah here. He's so in the moment, you can't fake anything he sees right now. John moves in and licks Noah's cheek all the way across until he reaches Noah's open mouth. He bites his lower lip then pulls back and looks at Noah's vulnerable and sexy body once more. John decides to pull off Noah's remaining clothes. 

First he takes off his shoes and socks, and puts them against the door, on a piece of carpet he's supposed to remind guests to put their shoes on. Then, he pulls off Noah's underwear and pants, and leaves them on the floor next to him. Finally, he pulls off Noah's red flannel, allowing Noah's almost stoic arms to slowly inch towards his crotch. John watches with a smile as Noah's hands struggle their way to his manhood. A manhood that John just put through more than Noah's young mind has ever felt before. John moves in one last time, and kisses Noah on his cheek. 

John stands up and walks over to the kitchen with Noah's clothes in hand. He puts his clothes on the table, and pours himself a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. John loves Cinnamon. 

Time passes, and Noah continues to lie on the floor and try to make sense of everything that happened to him. Noah knows that his orgasm was certainly the most explosive he's ever had. He doesn't think he has ever cum so much, or felt so amazing as it all came out. And the ballbusting leading up to it, although painful, but did add a lot to his experience. However, John being so harsh as he unloaded was certainly excruciating. Noah wants to say that his orgasm was ruined, but it really wasn't. What he does know, is that his ability to move was ruined, and he's unable to do much at the moment but lie curled up and think about everything he's already thinking about, while, cradling his drained and sore spuds. 

Noah does begin to think about John, and begins to think about everything that has led to him lying on the floor like this. Noah begins to realize that he much prefers to spend more time with John, rather than lying on the floor like this. Noah's orange eyes dart around the room as he painstakingly moves his aching body around to find John. He finds John sitting at the kitchen table with a bowl of cereal, and focusing on his phone. He also sees his clothes on the counter next to John. It was at this point that Noah realizes that he doesn't have clothes on. 

Noah begins to stand up, and John looks up from his phone. A smile creeps across his face as he puts his phone down and continues to eat his cereal as he watches Noah struggle to stand. Noah soon realizes he's being watched and grows a bit red, which really highlight his freckles. 

"You're cute when you're embarrassed." John says with a strong smile. Noah laughs and cups his hands over his crotch as he gets to his feet. 

"Easy for you to say..." Noah mutters with a smile he can't hide. John puts his cereal bowl down and walks over. 

"Come on Noah, let's not start being shy now..." John laughs as he moves a hand to Noah's shoulder. Noah looks up, nods softly, and moves his hands away with John's soft assistance. John holds onto Noah's shoulder with his other hand and walks him over to the kitchen slowly. Noah's other hand is still holding onto his nuts, as they are still causing him a lot of pain. 

"Jesus John, you broke my balls..." Noah chuckles. 

"Haha... yeah, my bad. Got a bit carried away. But don't lie... you never came so good!" John says confidently. 

Noah laughs, unable to disagree with John. "It was... magical... until you destroyed my nuts at least!" Noah and John laugh together as they get to the counter with that his clothes lied on. 

"Do you want anything to drink or eat? To drink I have some Jack Daniels, Fireball..." John laughs as he realizes that's all he has to drink right now, "..and for food, I have Cinnamon Toast Crunch, some peanut butter and bread, an apple and-"

"I'll have a bottle of Jack." Noah says, really wanting to have something that might kill the pain he's still in. 

John laughs and holds his arm over Noah's shoulder. "I'll go get you a bottle. Stay sexy while I'm gone, alright?" John asks as he kisses Noah's cheek. Noah laughs and grows a little red again. John walks around towards the dining room and Noah stands where he was left, hunched over. A hand on the counter, and another on his balls. Noah closes his eyes and and works on his breathing. 

John gets the bottle from the dining room, and walks back, liking the look of Noah from the naked backside. He has a really nice bare ass, especially when bent over like that. 

John puts the bottle down on the counter and quickly finds a couple of shot glasses in the cabinet beside them. He lays them both out and pours a shot for the both of them and raises it. 

"Want to make a toast?" John asks. 

Noah opens his eyes and holds up the shot glass. He looks at John's gorgeous acorn eyes, his strong and confident sparkling smile and handsome face. Noah can't believe how lucky he is to of come across this. Just when he needed someone that made him feel like this the most. 

"To chance." Noah says with a smile. John returns with a heavier smile and the two take a shot together. They slam the shot glass on the table at the same time and let out a telling "Ah!" together too. They laugh, and Noah looks around, scoping the place out once again. He really finds the house beautiful.

"John, your place is so gorgeous. You live here alone?" Noah asks turning back to John. John's seemingly empty body is staring at his glass as his mind is lost in the droplets of the glass. 

"John?" Noah asks, a bit louder. John shakes himself about and laughs with a scratch of his head. 

"Bad habit, sorry. What were you saying?" 

"I was I love your place. It's so desolate, you don't have to worry about any neighbors. And it's absolutely beautiful! Inside and out. I was wondering if you live here all by yourself?" 

John laughs and stands up straight. Still staring at Noah, but with a smile that tells Noah that John has something in mind. "Yeah, I don't share a bed with anyone yet. Maybe that can change though." 

Noah raises his eyebrow and feels warm at the thought. 

"I have a surprise for you downstairs." John says moving his hand to Noah's. 

"Oh? I don't like surprises." Noah teases with a grin. 

John laughs and shakes his head. "I don't blame you. But come on, I want you to see this!" John says as he pulls on Noah a bit. Noah laughs and nods his head as he moves with John. "Okay, okay fine-"

"You have to close your eyes though. It will only be fun if you keep your eyes closed!" John says as he gets to the locked door, which stands next to the stairs going up. It appears that the surprise downstairs is behind this locked door.

"Oh? Why, is it a tiger?" Noah asks with a smirk. 

John laughs out and shakes his head, moving his hands across the door frame above. "If it were, would that please you?" 

"It would be something all right." Noah laughs, as he sees John move his other hand to the side of the door frame. He pulls his hand back and shows two keys. He uses both keys on the two locks on the door. 

"You seem very protective of whatever is behind this door." Noah noted, mostly in jest. 

John turns around and smirks, then opens the door. "Eyes, Noah." 

Noah sighs and closes his eyes. "This better be something magical."

"I think it is. I'll lead you downstairs, but be a bit careful. The stairs are a bit tricky."

"Maybe I shou-"

"No, it's fine. I'll let you know how much to move your foot out. Trust me, I don't want you to fall." John says sincerely rubbing Noah's cheek. Noah lights up again. John loves to see Noah's cheeks turn red. 

John stands ahead and carefully leads Noah down the stairs, making sure he doesn't trip. The staircase down is in a spiral, and a bit tricky, just like John said it was. But John and Noah make it down without any hitches. 

"...all right, you're at the bottom be careful." 

"Can I open my eyes now?" Noah asks as he feels John's hands cover his eyes. 

"No, not yet. A little bit further..." John says as he skillfully leads Noah on. Noah hears the faint sound of running water. 

"Is that water?" Noah asks. 

"Good ear..." John says, carefully leading the two a bit further. 

"Is it a waterfall? Do you have a fucking waterfall in your basement?" Noah asks as he hears the water more prominently as he walks forward. 

"Haha... not quite... okay, almost here. Make a big step for me, okay?" 

Noah makes a big step. He can hear the water more prominently now. Also like it's bouncing off the walls around him. 

"There we go. Okay, when I say so, open your eyes." John says as he removes his hands from Noah's face. Noah's eyes are still closed however. 

Noah feels a strong light hitting his eyelids and is very excited to figure out what's in front of him. He can only imagine what it could be, but he can't think of anything concrete. 

"Man, I'm actually really excited! Come on, I wanna open!"

With John now behind Noah, he hears "Haha, okay, okay, you can open now!"

With that, Noah opens his eyes. He sees a large light in front and has to hide it from his eyes. He does so by moving his hand up to block it, and he is able to look around a bit. 

In front of him appears to be glass, and some more glass. There is no light bulb, but he sees a large light in the ceiling that is strong enough to light up the entire large basement. Fluorescent, perhaps. 

Noah looks around some more to make sense, and he looks down in front of him. It appears that in front of him is a room, and on the floor is a blue wrestling mat. He looks closer to himself and sees that between him and the mat is more glass, and there's concrete beneath him. There's a hole in the left corner next to the glass. To the right is a ugly looking bed with a sheet and not much else. 

Noah looks around some more and sees that there are several other little spaces, just like each other. Each space has a bed in it too, and in one of those beds is a man. He looks strong, and... that man looks bruised. It looks like he's sleeping, sprawled very uncomfortably on the bed he's lying on. Noah is having comprehension issues.

"John... I don't get it..."

Coldly and firmly, John replies. "I think you do."

With that, Noah hears a slamming sound behind him. He turns around and sees John behind a glass wall, pressing his finger against what looks to be a bronze piece at about belly height. Noah looks at the glass and sees that it's not a wall. Between Noah and John is a closed door. There's an fancy looking lock on it that appears to be difficult to navigate. Noah looks around again, in a higher sense of perception then before, and begins to realize something. 

Each bed is in it's own room. He sees a running river flowing between everything, and there's a small bridge over it in each room. Noah begins to breathe faster and turns back to John again. Noah throws himself at John, but falls into the glass in front. 

"John this isn't funny!" 

John isn't laughing. John is staring at Noah with a smile. That smile looks so much different then how his smile looked earlier. This smile looks like it was going to crack his cheeks, and his piercing, all knowing leather eyes were looking at Noah in a different way. John's eyes look like he's looking at a new, expensive exotic animal that he finally found in his possession after a strenuous longing, and is looking at this trophy for the first time in his own, new and humid cage. An exotic animal that's to spend the rest of it's days as a pet to a smiling God, who controls if it lives, or if it dies. 

Oh my God. 

"John!" Noah screams once again. 

Noah begins to bang on the glass, trying to do something. 

"It won't work, it's not glass." John coldly states. Noah doesn't seem to take his word for it and throws himself at it once again. This time with a terrible, charging, barbaric scream. But, Noah just falls back to the hard concrete as the content is unyielding. Noah looks up at the ceiling and realizes that it's made of glass too. Noah begins to feel claustrophobic, with the air instantly growing in weight. He can't breath, he's hyperventilating. This isn't happening. This isn't happening. This feels like a dream to Noah, everything feels detached. There is no way this is happening. 

"Oh my god! It's okay, I'm going to wake up... and be in my home. In bed. My mom is going to be making breakfast and... and, and-" Noah begins to feel like very light headed and confused. But he knows his stomach isn't supposed to feel this way. He gets up sickly, and stumbles back against the wall behind him. He wearily looks around, feels overwhelmed once more, and falls down to his right. Lying in front of an empty black hole, Noah feels his throat fill and vomits into the hole. The foul taste and stench of his bile drags him back to reality. Things aren't feeling so unreal right now. 

"Good. Would of sucked if you made a mess for yourself on your first day." John says, once again coldly. 

"No... nonononononopleaseno. No, NO NO! NO! JOHN WHAT THE FUCK!!!!" Noah screams as he hits the floor with his hand. He screams and throws himself, flailing at the separation between himself and John. 

Noah spends the next several minutes flailing, screaming, huffing and wheezing, becoming overwhelmed with anxiety. Despite how real to the touch everything is, Noah can't believe that this is real. No matter what, Noah is unable to settle into the idea that he's naked and locked in a cage in some strangers basement. 

"Noah, I'm going to go now."

"SHUT UP!" Noah screams as he bangs against the clear, unwavering wall between them. 

"It's obvious you're unable to have a competent conversation right now."


"Perhaps your neighbor will be awake soon."


"You two should get to know each other."


"Feel free to enjoy the water." 

John speaks with frost and calculation, as he turns around and heads upstairs. Noah continues to bang against the door, but with more alarm as he realizes that his only way out is leaving him. 


Through cracking voice, Noah continues to scream and scream and cry and try anything to get John to turn back, tell him it was all a joke in poor taste. But John never comes back. 

Noah screams at the ground and punches the floor over and over again. He does this until his anxieties lose energy and his knuckles are bleeding too heavily for him to feel like punching any further was an option.  

Noah stares at the floor, feeling empty as the blood pours out of his open knuckles. Noah starts to think and feel again, and he begins crying. Then weeping as he curls in a ball and thinks of how much of an idiot he is. How he could just go to some strangers house and trust them like he just trusted John. Noah hits himself, but realizes it's pointless. He looks up at the glass ceiling and feels the air and light pulling him down. 

Noah wishes he wasn't such an idiot. Noah wishes he wasn't so useless. Noah wishes he could've just done what was asked of him, and done well in classes. Noah wishes he could've just paid more attention to his girlfriend. Noah wishes his father loved him more so he wouldn't of left him and his Mother. Noah wishes he wasn't such a waste of skin. Noah wishes his Mother wouldn't worry about him, because Noah knows he's not worth it. But he does wish his Mother knows that he loves her. Noah moves his hands to his chest in an X, which is how you say 'love' in American Sign Language. He wants his deaf Mother to remember this. 

With everything that's happened, you may think that the world is against Noah. That Noah must've had a nasty previous life for him to deserve this, or must have irritated something sacred. But none of this is true. 

The world doesn't give a fuck about Noah. 

Noah is just in an unfortunate situation where he feels hopeless. 

However, good news is always on it's way. Some may hope that the good news is that, this is in fact, a dream, and that Noah will wake up in his bed, in his small apartment, with his deaf Mother, nose reaching up to find the smell of burnt eggs, like he so often does. Or, that the police will come and find Noah soon, before any real harm comes to him, and bring the sadistic monster to justice.

However, the most likely good news that will come of this is that his new neighbor is a good story teller, or that John happens to be a good cook along with being one that treats his pets well. 

Noah lies on the floor as he begins to cry again. He continues to cry until he his body is unable to expunge any more liquids. Noah looks around and crawls to the bed that's been left for him. It's bumpy, but the cover is soft. He lies on the now blood covered covers, and faces his empty room. Noah looks at the emptiness until he can no longer stand to look at his life any longer. 

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