Thursday, January 19, 2017

Oversight on my end

It recently came to my attention that you needed an account to comment. That was an oversight, and I apologize for the temporary inconvenience. Anyone can comment now!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Cody and His Family

This is the first 3rd person story I will publish! And the first NEW story you guys will read too! I'm excited to hear what you guys have to say about it, so please... let me know! Hope you guys enjoy!

Cody, like so many of us, has a family.

Cody, like so many of us, has a distaste for his family.

“Man, I fucking hate my family.”

This is Cody.

Cody is a handsome kid. Actually, calling Cody handsome might be an understatement. He’s 17 years old, and has curly hair brown. His eyes are hazel, and has very defined and very pretty eyelashes. Girls call him cute, boys call him a pretty boy. The reason for this is because he is both cute and pretty. A lot of boys are cute and pretty, but he’s above that. Cody is one of the best looking boys around, and just about anyone would agree with that. He’s just under 6 feet tall, and weighs on the higher end of 150. He doesn’t work out too much, but he’s a very satisfying body to look at, in just about any sense of the word. And Cody looks amazing in underwear, an above average cock and a well above average set of testes. Cody’s strength is his physical features.

However, Cody’s weakness is his balls.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Picture Perfect

You guys already read this story, but here it is again! Slightly touched up. These characters are influenced by people in MY high school. I'm happy with how it turned out, and very glad with the response it got on Alex's blog! So, into the story.

Time for our Physical Education Class again. As much as I love it because of all the hot guys in the class doing hot guy things, such as being hot. I hate it because it normally involves me doing physical activity, which is less than preferable. I’m not unfit or anything, I’m just lazy. I’m here in my shorts, surrounded by the other boys in shorts, and across from me is Austin, who in my opinion is the hottest guy in the class.

Austin. A little over 6 foot, he’s a pitcher in baseball, dark blond hair, light brown some days. Blue eyes, great smile. Well built. Nothing to complain about visually. He was talking to his friend Frankie, who is a close second in the class I think. Frankie’s an Italian kid with jet black hair, also a baseball player, shortstop. Shorter than Austin, but not by much, brown eyes. Bulkier though, but not by much. They probably weigh the same. He’s more of an asshole though. Anyways, I’m looking over Austin, and he looks immaculate. He’s doing that thing guys do where they lift their shirt up when they stretch, revealing their abs, and in Austin’s case, his 6 pack. He’s so fucking hot. I’m apparently not being very inconspicuous when I hear

Sunday, January 15, 2017

My First Post! Welcome!

Hello world! My name is Lenny, and this is my blog! Now, most of you are here because Alex sent you here. So, I would like to give a warm thank you to Alex! He inspired me to write, and gave me much needed confidence to write and start this blog. So, if you in any way, shape, or form appreciate anything I write, give a big thanks to Alex. 

Now, onto this blog. Here, I will try my best to keep a steady flow of stories coming out. On average once every two weeks from this point on. What I'll do, is put up my story that Alex so kindly published on his blog already, "Picture Perfect." I touched it up a bit, but it's basically the same story. I'll publish it in a couple days, and some time after that I'll put up an entirely new story. And from that point on, every 2 weeks I'll put up a new story. 

The stories will be a few different kind of stories. There will be 1st person narratives, where an unidentified person is narrating. There will be 3rd person narratives, there might even be some 2nd person, who knows. It's a wild world! I will also put up some stories where I'm the narrator. And I'm also working on a cohesive... universe of sorts. Where I create a set of characters, and write stories about said characters. Similar to how Alex has most of his stories, with Logan, Zach, Kev, etc etc. These will be in third person however. Each story will be labeled under whatever category it is. It won't be too hard to understand once I put out a few of each. 

I currently have quite a few stories mostly made out, so for the next few months there will definitly be regular updates. No promises past that, but I do not see myself letting this blog go dead. I have every intention to keep it up and put out a story every 2 weeks. If I feel myself slacking, I'll cut it to once a month. But I do not see myself doing that, at least not anytime soon. 

Now, most of you are here for stories. And I get that, so that will be a priority here. But it's also my blog, so I might post some entries that aren't stories. They might contain videos I enjoy, ballbusting or not. I might just talk about what's going on in my life. I might talk about music I'm really enjoying, or books I've been reading. I'm currently a college student, so I've a lot on my plate. And I intend this blog to be a way to relax of sorts. If you just want to read stories, that's quite all right. Just skip over the posts that aren't bb stories. No hard feelings! Hell, I might not even have any posts about not ballbusting, but it is my blog. So if I want to post something unrelated to ballbusting, I definitely will. 

And please, give me feedback! Email me things you guys enjoy or want to read about, talk about, etc. I will read each comment, email, anything sent my way. I'll try my very best to respond to each as soon as I can as well. 

I think that's mostly it really. I might put up another post if I forgotten something, but I don't think so. So, I'm Lenny Bennu, and I hope you enjoy my twisted words! I will update this blog as often as I can, so do check it often! 

Enjoy yourselves!