Sunday, June 2, 2019

Camp Hardwood Day 10: What Goes Around Comes Around

Hey guys! New part, and this one's a bit different. But stick with me. Next few parts should make up for it, whenever they come around. The rest is falling in place, but the ending is still a mess, so I still need to sort that out. 

But, for my Northern Hemisphere friends, it's Summer! Back in the Camp spirit haha. I hope you guys are feeling it :)

I'm considering putting out a part of a different story soon, just for those who aren't too attached to this storyline. And it would be completely different, not a part of any of the established universes on this blog to this point. I've been working on some different ideas recently, and really digging them. But, we'll see how the wind blows. 

Enjoy, guys! :)

Day Zero


I woke up feeling… good. I felt good. Was still hurting downstairs, but I could walk at a somewhat brisk pace. So that was great. It wasn't too awkward when I looked at Cameron either. I still wasn't sure about making prolonged eye contact, but I felt fine with him around. And that's enough, right?

"Wait, don't we get to pick today's activity?" Tim asked as we were all getting ready. I entirely forgot until he mentioned it.

"Yeah... I think we do. Got any ideas?" Cameron asked.

"Something that doesn't involve me doing anything but sit there, please." I asked. I really wanted to stay safe and lazy. 

"That can be arranged. How about-" Aaron started off.

"Wait, this is a special occasion! The girls always picked something that focused on us being guys, so now, we need to pick something that focuses on them being girls! Something sexy, you know?" Tim said. Tim had me at first, but then kinda drifted away at the end there. I don't think he realized we were like 70% gay as a group. Or something like that.

"Uhhh... like what, lap dances?" Cameron asked.

"Perfect! Today's activity will be lap dances!" Tim said excitedly.

"Really? I don't really want that..." Aaron said, speaking my mind for me.

"Why not? Oh yeah. You two are fags. Oh, you three maybe?" Tim said without thinking.

"2. And watch your mouth Tim, that's not cool." Cameron said seriously.

I turned my head up to look at Cameron. He looked at me. I didn’t see anything noteworthy on his face, outside of his handsomeness. I turned my head to face Tim. He looked apologetic, and stupid.

"Sorry, I didn't think. I don't normally..." Tim trailed off, embarrassed. He hid his face, and I could tell he means it. "I don't know why I said that."

"It's okay, I don't think you meant anything by it. But, that lost you lap dances." I said, getting a comforting laugh. It wasn't awkward anymore. 

"Well, can we think of something we all can enjoy?" Aaron asked. 

I shrugged. "I don't really care. As long as I don't have to do anything, the girls can do the math state tests for all I care."

"Let's try and think of something nice. We might not get another opportunity like this, and we all deserve something nice." Cameron added.

We all agreed on that. We decided to talk it over during breakfast.

We didn't agree upon lap dances.

"So, we were talking... and we figured out what today's activity will be." Tim said, speaking to everyone.

I watched the girls reactions, and it was really weird actually. Not their reactions, but being in the situation we were in. Having them wait for us to tell them what to do, them being in the palm of our hands. I wasn't reacting to whatever situation I was helplessly flinged into. I was an observer, and the girls. They were curious and vulnerable. It was so sweet, so welcomed. It was some much deserved gender equality. 

"We want... the girls to… partake in..." Tim was really dragging it out, and I could feel the suspense build. I saw it in each of the girls faces, that same look that I know I had when they were about to tell us what to do. At least the first time this happened. I'm sure I looked more scared the next time.  

" a bra's and panties match!"


"Are you joking!?"

“We are not!” Tim replied.

"Absolutely not!" Alexa exploded. "I will no-"

"Nononono you don't!" Josh said wagging his finger, moving up in front of her. "You let the girls hit these poor boys in the balls for the laugh, and we let it happen. This is earned, the boys deserve this call."

"That's different!"

"How!? Hurting people is different than the clothes they wear?"

"Well!... That's-"

"The truth. The girls were allowed to be entertained by boys getting hit in the balls. The boys will be allowed to be entertained by girl on girl combat. I will not back down Alexa! You and I both know that. This is happening!"

Alexa stared angrily at Josh. We all waited around in anticipation, wondering how Alexa would respond. It felt like Josh had her in the corner, but you could tell that she had something on her mind. Josh realized it too, and he cupped his hands over his shorts zipper. He was aware, and it made me smile. 

Slowly, it looked like she came to. Alexa nodded her head, and looked down. She laughed them held her hands up, and conceited defeat. 

"Fine! Bra and panties match. Damn perverts."

I laughed as all us boys applauded and hollered. It was a well earned victory for us boys.

We waited for things to settle down for a moment, then Tim sprang back into command mode before too long. 

"Okay so, you girls are to strip to your bra and panties, a-"

"Wait, what if we're not wearing a bra?" Monica asked, interrupting Tim.

"...Then you should go put one on?" Tim said with a smile, turning to us for some confirmation. He got none, but it seemed to satisfy him, turning back with a nod. 

Monica nodded and got up, then headed to the cabin. It started off nervously fast, then it turned into a sprint after the laughing started.  

"Okay... so... strip to bra and panties. Goal is to take your opponents bra off."

"What if we take their panties off?" Diane asked.

"Uhhh, I guess that's okay too? But I think it'd be better to not to do." Aaron said.

"Why?" Cameron asked.

Aaron shrugged. "It just doesn't feel right to me. Idk, I'm gay though." Me and Diane laughed.

"It doesn't feel right to me either. Focus on the bra's, girls." Alexa said. 

We waited until Monica came back. Then the girls took off their clothes, revealing their bra and panties. Now, I'm gay, so you're not going to get much of a description here. But, Diane was wearing matching blue bra and panties. She looked flat chested, especially next to the other 3 busty girls. She also looked more shy, and tried to hide herself a bit. I don't really blame her either. If it was the 4 of us boys in our undies, and I saw how bigger everyone else's dick was, I'd be a bit self conscious too. 

Not that that's the case, mind you. Don't get any ideas, alright? I'm fine sized, and I'm gonna be getting bigger too! Just putting that out there. 

Monica had a yellow bra on and white panties. She had a huge chest, and it was pretty easy to stare at her. When I pulled away, I saw Cameron staring at her. He didn't try to hide much, and I didn't blame him either. It didn't bother me seeing him stare like that. Honestly, it was kind of dull. I guess that's progress though, right? That's what I labeled it, at least. 

The twins were both wearing black bras and panties.

"Are you serious? How do we tell the difference if you two are wearing literally the same thing?" Cameron asked, walking up to them. It got a couple laughs.

"I don't know Cameron..." One said turning to him. She snapped kicked him between his legs, smacking his jeans right in the crotch. Cameron doubled over, and groaned loudly into his closed mouth before he dropped to his knees. I heard a couple stiffled giggles as he shifted on his knees with both hands pressed firmly against his crotch. I saw him look up with squinting eyes, begging. You could see the pain on him, and you could hear it in his cracking voice too. "WhY!? Why did you do that?"

"Can you tell who I am, by the kick?" The Twin asked.

"...Bethany?" Cameron asked weakly, before he had to use his forearms to stay up. 

"So you can!?" Bethany looked in shock as she looked around. I could tell she was genuinely impressed, and I was too, honestly. 

"That's how the boys will figure it out. We'll just kick them in the balls and they'll know which of us it is instantly!"

"Yeah..." Cameron groaned, in pain "... you don't kick as hard, it's easier to tell." I laughed at Cameron's defiance.

Bethany turned to him, as he sickly looked up. He moaned and curled in to protect himself, as he immediately apologized. 

"Thought so." Bethany said.

"Before something more painful happens..." Tim started "...Diane vs Bethany, and Hana vs Monica. Winners take each other on for the bra and panties championship!"

Diane and Bethany started it off. Both circled each other. The flat asian wearing blue, vs the black haired actor, wearing black to match. I couldn't take my eyes off them, I was too excited. I was rooting for Diane.

Bethany tried to spear Diane, but Diane quickly side stepped, causing Bethany to fall down chasing her. Like a matador baiting the bull. As this happened, Diane left her hand where she was, and grabbed Bethany's bra. She managed to hold onto it as Bethany fell to the floor. Thus, de-braing her. It was actually, really impressive. I don't know if she could do that again if she tried. 

Bethany instantly shot up, unaware of her breasts being stripped naked. Her tits were bouncing around, her nipples sticking out like saucers with a tip and they were like strawberries on top of a really sexy cup of ice cream. I'm gay, but I just had to stare. Those were my first pair of real life boobies that aren't my Mom's. I was hypnotized honestly, haha. 

Bethany shrieked when she realized, and covered herself up, looking really embarrassed.

"Come on honey, nothing to be ashamed of!" Cameron cheered, laughing. Bethany shot him a look then ran over and grabbed her bra. She held an angry gaze with Cameron then sat down, holding her knees up to protect herself as best she could.

Cameron kept on smiling, not caring about the look Bethany gave him. He enjoyed that, and that was that. Not that I blame him, but I wouldn't be taunting the twins like that. It's only a couple days removed since the walk I had with them.  

Next was Monica vs Hana. This one didn't end so quickly, thankfully. I wanted some action! 

Both girls ran into each other without much tact at all. They started grabbing each other's hair, throwing each other around, slapping each other, scratching and screaming. It was a stereotypical cat fight. But, it was pretty exciting. Just pure assault. 

Monica was brawling in white panties, yellow bra and hair, brown eyes piercing through Hana as they stood still after a moment of nothing happening. It was a random moment of blankness, and everyone was confused for a moment. 

Then, Hana threw a strike at Monica's head, but Monica grabbed, catching Hana. Hana struggled, but Monica kept hold of her. Hana threw another strike, which Monica caught too. Hana tried to keep on the struggle, but she was caught. She had no free arms, no matter how she pulled.

"What you gonna do now?" Monica asked slyly, having Hana right where she wanted her.

Hana showed all of us what she's gonna do next. She reared back, and sent a thunderous kick between Monica's legs, like it were me or Cameron in front of her. Hana hit Monica with a cunt punt. Monica screamed in surprised agony, and brought her hands down to her crotch. Her eyes were scrunched shut and she looked to be in tremendous, unexpepcted pain as she fell to her knees.

Hana took the opportunity to unhook Monica's yellow bra, letting her tits fall out. Monica's breasts were certainly the biggest of the 4 of them. Her perky nipples were on display, and I couldn't look away. I didn't know nips could get that big. They were like absolute saucers. 

I turned my head to look at everyone. Tim and Cameron seemed to be enjoying themselves quite a bit. Cameron especially. I'm pretty sure I saw his dick grow in his jean bulge. He shifted himself around, with both his body and hands, and it confirmed my assumptions. I actually found it pretty funny. 

I saw Bethany watching Cameron at the same time, and I'm pretty sure she saw the same thing. I turned to see Aaron and he seemed interested. Not invested like Tim or Cameron, but he was watching.

Not sure how I felt about that kick. It was nice to see, but it didn't really do anything for me. I didn't feel for Monica either, not like I do when one of us guys gets it. She did appear to be in pain, but Monica had that coming. She's hurt me enough, alone, to deserve this.

"My fucking pussy..." Monica cried holding her crotch. Her arms were pushing her boobs together since she had her hands trying to comfort the pain in her girl bits. It made her huge tits look even bigger.

"Better than getting hit in the balls!" Cameron said jovially.

"You don't know that. You never got hit in the pussy before!" Bethany interjected.

"Yeah, but you haven't gotten hit in the balls before either."

Monica stood up after a bit. She was still in pain, but she walked off, limping mildly. Getting kicked in the junk hurts, no matter what parts you're born with.

Next was Hana vs Diane.

"Come on Diane! You got this girl." Aaron said, cheering from the sideline. I laughed and let a "WOOOO" out to show my support for Diane. I wanted her to win.

Diane looked at us and blushed. I did like Diane; I liked her more than the twins, that's for sure.

They started up and went at each other. Was a cat fight, but it wasn't as scratchy as it was with Monica. But there was some blood coming out of Hana's face at some point.

"Damn girl, cut your nails! That's a lethal weapon." Aaron said laughing.

Hana was pissed when she saw the blood. She looked at Diane with rage and screamed as she sent a kick directed at Diane's panties. Diane saw this coming and caught the kick with her hands. She lifted Hana's foot, causing Hana to jump around on her one foot just to stay upright. Hana shook her hands, trying to say no to whatever Diane had in store. Diana wasn't having any of that.

"This is for the boys!" Diane said, then sent a vicious kick directed between Hana's legs. Her toes aimed a bit higher than you would if she were aiming for the balls, but I guess Diane would know where to kick a girl. Maybe, maybe not. 

Regardless, the kick did it's job. Hana screamed out and fell down as Diana let go of her leg. Hana whined on the floor, kicking her legs. She put up no fight as Diane un-did her bra. Diane won.

"YES! DI-ANE! DI-ANE! DI-ANE!" Aaron chanted, showering Diane in appraisal. She swung Hana's bra around, looking ecstatic.

"WOOOOOOO" She let out, jumping around. Josh walked over and raised her hand, and the boys all clapped. I looked back down at Hana, and she was holding back tears, curled in a ball. Payback’s a bitch.

Bethany walked over and tried to comfort her twin. She had her bra back on, and already took Hana's bra from Diane. She sat her upright, holding the bra over her sister's exposed boobs. Hana was struggling to get up, but she did. Bethany was shaking her head. 

"That's some Karma right there." I heard Cameron say. I turned and saw him smirking at them. He enjoyed the vantage point he found himself in, and I found myself smiling with him. 

Seeing Bethany's reaction made me feel even sweeter. She was looking up at Cameron with a real wicked snarl, and it was like someone just hit her in the face with a crap load of steaming shit. Somehow, she didn't seem to enjoy the smell of her own shit for once. 

Cameron laughed, and before he turned back to the celebrations, said "Don't take it personally. It's just what she got coming to her, after some of the shit you guys hit us with. It's just fair."

I kept my eyes darting between the two, wondering if Bethany was gonna just take that. I thought it was pretty cocky for Cameron to turn away from the twins, right after giving them some shit. 

I saw Bethany motion to Hana, who was hunched over. She pointed at Cameron, who's back was now to them, and then motioned her hurting sister to stay. Bethany left Hana alone as she walked up to Cameron. I kept my eyes on Bethany, not willing to miss anything. 

Without any warning or set up, she finished her motions by swinging her foot up between Cameron's barely spread legs. It was loud and very sudden. Almost instantly, it was like Cameron's legs were pulled out from underneath him and he collapsed. He I could see his closed eyes and red face on his writhing body, a pretty common sight by this point. Just because it was a familiar sight, doesn't mean that seeing it was uneventful. A kick in the balls like that should take over the entire room. 

"How's that for Karma, huh!? Wast that kick weak, too!?" Bethany spat as she kicked Cameron in the ass as he was curled on the floor. Cameron shook and yelped as he felt it, and it made me cringe. A small wave of sickness hit me, as I couldn't help but imagine the pain Cameron was in. We've all felt pain like that this week, and it does not get any easier. 

"That felt fair to me." Bethany said proudly as she walked back to Hana, who now had a smile on. It looks like seeing Cameron get kicked in the balls was all she needed to feel better about getting kicked in the crotch herself. I looked back at Cameron and felt really bad for him. He looked to be in a lot of distress. 

After the kick happened and everyone realized what happened, it felt like everyone just accepted it and moved on. It's almost felt like everyone else was used to it, as they focused on Diane and celebrating with her. They didn't give the writhing Cameron any attention. Not even Monica, who wasn't in as much pain anymore. It made me feel even worse for him, but then I thought maybe it was for the best. He'll need some time alone, and I didn't want to interrupt that.

Time passed again, we had lunch. Lunch was enjoyable for most. Except for Cameron, who looked quite ill. That kick really got to him. It was a really bad kick, and he's been through a lot of torment this camp. It looked like it finally caught up with him. I can't believe no one else seemed to notice it. 

After lunch we all went back to the cabin. Cameron hobbled over to his bed and lied down. I looked at Aaron and asked him if he wanted to go out and enjoy the day. He said yeah, and we went out. He was wearing that blue Modest Mouse shirt, the anchor attached to an air balloon, and slim green jeans. I wish he wore those jeans more often. I think he only wore them during Roshambo, which is a shame. He looked really fine in them.

As we left the cabin, we saw Diane.

"Hey Ms. Champion!" I said with a smile.

"Hey Cevin! Hey Aaron! Where are you guys going?"

"Oh, me and Cevin wanted to go and enjoy the day a bit. Go for a walk. You... can join us if you want?" Aaron said, looking at me making sure it's okay. I nodded.

"I'd love to! Let's go explororize!" Diane said.

We left the cabin and went on together, explororized as a group. We were in good spirits. Soon, we passed The Cherry Tree, and it felt natural to admire it. We looked at it's beautiful pink flowers, gracefully existing. Gently floating with the wind. It really was gorgeous. But we walked past it and kept on going. 

Around this point, I decided I'd feel better if I rubbed Aaron's hip. He softly turned his head when he felt that, and I could see a faint smile turn up. It made me smile too, and I pushed my face all friendly-like into his cheek. I could feel him laugh under me, and it was nice. He moved his hands up over me, quickly turned and then hit a corner of my face with a quick kiss. I laughed and pushed him away playfully, then quickly pulled him back in. It felt better with him closer.  We continued walking. 

"You know, this camp really is beautiful." Aaron said.

"Honestly, it really is." I added.

"Everything is so pretty. The trees, the lake over there." Aaron pointed next to my face, at the lake we could make out between the trees.

"And the people too." Diane said, getting me to chuckle.

"Yeah, the people are pretty too. Only issue is I can't look at my beautiful face the way you guys can. I feel like I'm missing out." I said sarcastically. Aaron pushed me away and I could see him trying not to laugh. I think he knew I was joking, though. 

"You're so full of yourself..." Diane said playfully.

"Nah, not really. I'm just full of it." I responded. 

"And yourself, isn't it?" Diane asked. 

"Uh, no!" 

"It's okay Cevin, you an be honest. I'd be full of you too, if I could." Aaron said slyly.

"EW!" I cried out, putting on an act a bit. "EW!" 

"Haha, joking! Joking!"

"That's wrong, bro." Diane said in a funny way. 

"I don't want to be full of anything anymore. I need a shower." 

"Shut up! You're fine, stop teasing me." Aaron said, somewhat embarrassed. I laughed and rubbed his opposite shoulder. 

"All good, man. Just, don't fill me up baby." That got us all laughing, and Aaron pulled on my hand. It was endearing.

We kept up friendly conversation for awhile, walking through the trail as a forest started to grow around us. I wondered how long we've been walking.

"How long have we been walking?" I asked as we kept on forwards.

"I don't know. It's been awhile, but we're good for some time I think." Aaron said.

"Yeah, we're definitely fine. Oh look at that there!" Diane got our attention as she pointed to something in the distance.

"What is that?" I asked. As we got closer, the form started to take shape. It looked like an abandoned park. Some swings, monkey bars. That twirly thing kids sit on and push in a circle and someone always got sick or fell off and cried. Some wildlife was present, but the living beings that could do so, left when they noticed us. And it wasn't anything to worry about, just little critters. The green stayed and coated the playground. It asserted an aura of abandonment. A desolate nostalgia. 

"Jackpot! Monkey bars!" Aaron yelled as he ran full speed ahead. Me and Diane laughed and watched as Aaron got very excited. We followed, but we didn't try to keep up with him. 

"He's so cute." Diane said.

"Yeah, he really is. Love Aaron." I said watching Aaron playfully jump on the monkey bars. He climbed on top and began balanced his way across.

"He's gonna crotch himself and we're gonna laugh, right?" I asked.

"I'll laugh harder!" Diane contested.

"Oh, you're so on!" I replied.

We watched in anticipation as Aaron crossed the monkey bars without much issue. Then he turned around and did it again. Both of us were waiting for what felt like the inevitable to happen. He looked up at us and smiled.

"Guys, look! I'm a-" Aaron got out before he started to lose his footing. He swung himself back and forth, trying to find his balance.

"Here it comes..." I said.

But it didn't. Aaron found his footing. He laughed and started walking on.

"Ha! Bet you guys thought I-"

This time his feet slipped on both sides of the bar, and he crotched himself in his green jeans. His bulge was sitting on the bar very uncomfortably, but it was a comforting sight once I moved past the instinctual shared nausea. Aaron let out a whimper and looked crossed eyed.

Me and Diane laughed. I looked at her and started laughing harder on purpose. Then she upped her laughing. Then I started laughing comically, way exaggerated. Then Diane fell on her knees as she insisted upon out laughing me. I arched my back and inhaled, then let out a very hearty scream that was supposed to be a laugh. That made me naturally laugh, then I stomped my feet and held my chest.

I glimpsed over at Aaron, and he was still sitting uncomfortably on the monkey bars. The bar the only thing holding himself off the floor, placed ever so conveniently between his legs, pushing his bulge up. He tried to lift himself up, reliving the strain on his groin. He lifted his leg over the bar and fell to the floor, one hand over his crotch, the other on the floor. He then fell onto his side, then back and moaned in place for awhile.

Meanwhile, yours truly and Diane kept on trying to out-laugh each other. My chest was hurting until, and for a bit after, Aaron timidly made his way over to us. 

"Glad to see me losing my ability to Father is so enjoyable to you guys..."  Aaron croaked from his knees. 

We laughed naturally, then calmed ourselves as Aaron managed to stand up.

"Aaron, who laughed harder. Me or Diane?" I asked, almost out of breath and in some pain. "Jesus, my chest hurts from laughing so hard!"

"I' wouldn't know. I was too preoccupied with not vomiting." 

"It was me. Just say me." Diane said.

"Okay." Aaron looked up in a pained face, then said "Me" and then laughed in good spirits. We laughed with him. 

"Doesn't matter. I always win, so we should just give it to me." I said.

"Hey, I won today!" Diane proclaimed.

"Yeah, because I don't have bra or panties. However, I would look a-mazing in panties!" 

"Oh, I bet you would. Not as good as Tim though." Diane said.

"Oh, of course. No one would look as good as Tim in panties." I said laughing.

"I would look better, right girls." Aaron said, forcing a smile as he took a modeling pose, but still held a hand on his crotch.

"Don't flatter yourself." Diane said.

"Come on..." Aaron said, pleading.

I laughed and smacked Aaron's arm. "Don't listen to Ms. Cunt Punter over here..." which caused Diane to laugh and playfully smack my nuts.

"Ahh, fuck." I said playfully, cupping myself. The pain wasn't too bad, but it got worse over time. I had a go to a knee. 

"I don't just assault cunts. I also assault dicks too."

"Gender equality, I guess." Aaron said, getting us to laugh. I took a seat and looked up with a pained smile. It made me more comfortable. The pain wasn't too bad still, but it's still nut pain. I can't help it. 

We had a lot of fun here. We swung on the swings and laughed together. Me and Aaron sat on the twirly thing as Diane pushed us. That was nauseating, but fun. Basically camp in a nutshell! Haha.

"You two are awesome! I wish you guys went to my school." Diane said.

"I might be transferring schools."

"Really? Where?"

"I'm not sure yet. Mom's just talking about it. I'd be happy to, don't really like my school that much." I said.

"Why?" Aaron asked.

"The people are assholes. They're homophobic and always fuck with you. They don't make it fun to be there."

"That sucks." Aaron said. "My school sucks too. Kids are assholes and always fuck with each other. I remember this one time, these kids stole the notepad I was doodling in. They said my drawings were shit then threw ripped it up and threw the pieces away.

"Wow, what assholes. I'm so sorry." I said.

"It's okay. The drawing was actually shit. But I wanted to make it better!"

"What was the drawing of?" Diane asked.

"I was trying to draw a dinosaur. I was feeling it at the time. But it looked retarded and it's legs were way too short." Aaron said laughing.

"I've a hard time imagining you drawing something poorly." I said.

Aaron laughed. "Thanks, but it's happens a lot. Those drawings you saw were all here at camp. Surprisingly, they all turned out really well."

"I'd love to see some of your drawings." Diane said.

Aaron shrugged. "Maybe when we get back to the cabin."

"Speaking of. We should be heading back. I don't want to miss dinner." I said.

"Fine..." Diane said.

With that, we headed back to where we came. I had a lot of fun talking with Diane and Aaron here. I've nothing but good things to say about those two.

When we approached the vicinity of the cabin, we saw Alexa. She saw us, smiled and walked over to us.

"So, where were you 3?" She asked.

"Just went to walk around, appreciate the day." Aaron said.

"That's good. Days are winding down here. You guys will be heading back home soon." Alexa added.

"Damn... I didn't even think of that..." I said, realizing that it's day 10 of 14 today. It did not click until right then that I'm leaving here soon.

"I'm sad now..." I said, sadly. I drooped my head and leaned on Aaron. He rubbed my head for comfort.

"Noooo, don't be sad! All this means is that the next few days are that much more important! And we'll be sure to have as much fun as possible! Don't feel sad Cevin, come here." Alexa said, spreading her arms out for a hug.

I smiled and went in and closed my arms around her. She held me tight and it felt warm. Really friendly.

"There. You feel better?" Alexa asked looking at me. Pretty brown eyes, lovely smile. She's a really pretty girl. And, I've nothing bad to really say about her. She's cool, and I couldn't help but feel better.

"Yeah. How could I not?" 

"That's good. I know me and the rest of the girls can be... real ball busters..." She said with a smirk. "... but I really have the best of intentions. I always want all of you guys to enjoy being here!"

"We do, Alexa!" Aaron said. "This camp is awesome, and you guys are awesome too! I've had so much fun here. The activities were okay, but that's not what I'll remember. I'll remember you guys, spending time with you guys. The laughs, the fights. It's all memorable, and I appreciate it all."

I looked at Aaron, and he looked so excited while talking. Really passionate. I had no choice but to agree with him.

"Yeah. I'll remember my interactions with everyone here moreso than the activities. But the activities were pretty fun too! Except for figuring out which of the girls kicked the hardest. That was actually horrible." I added.

"Yeah, I felt bad sanctioning that. Especially towards the end." Alexa said. "You looked really out of it, I thought we had to get an ambulance or something. You good and everything?" Alexa asked sincerely.

"Yeah, I'm okay now. Still a tad sore, but I'll be okay." I said, reassuringly.

"I did feel bad kicking you guys." Diane interjected. "I think it was Bethany, who tried to convince me that it was alright, and I believed her for a bit. But watching you guys… You all looked so horrible after I kicked you. Especially you Cevin. I thought I broke your balls or something. It made me want to go easy on Aaron."

"That was you going easy on me?" Aaron asked. "Sweet Jesus girl, you should play soccer." He added, getting us to laugh.

"Apparently I'm a really good kicker! I wouldn't expect that. But once I went for it, it just felt so... natural."

"Natural? It felt natural to kick us in the balls?" I asked, teasing her.

"Well... yeah, actually." She said. At first she tried to disagree, but realized it's true. "It just feels so right. Like it's what I'm meant to do."

"Meant to kick guys in their nuts? Future dominatrix over here." Alexa said with a laugh.

"The Daunting Dominatrix Diane." Aaron said, getting us all to laugh. The image of short, sweet little Diane, being a dominatrix is a humorous thought.   

"Shut up..." Diane said laughing. "... look at me! I would be a horrible dominatrix. I can barely kill a fly without feeling bad."

"But it's your calling, girl. You're a natural ballbuster. Just have to throw that pesky conscious to the wayside." Alexa said jovially.

"Yeah. Just compact your conscious and sell it for a quick buck. People will buy anything these days!" Aaron said, getting a laugh out of me.

"I wouldn't go that far, as to throw away your conscious... you might have to use it. Like, if you didn't give us that break after Bethany went, I'm pretty sure I would have died by the end of it." I stated.

"I knew I should have given you guys a break! You guys looked so bad. And when I said I'll give you guys a break, you all looked so relieved. It actually made me feel pretty good, knowing it made you guys feel better. Given, I ruined that feeling shortly afterwards, but it was nice while it lasted!" Diane said laughing.

"I agree! Very nice respite while it lasted!" I added with my own laugh.

"Also, if I can be honest..." Diane said, laughing a bit. "I did feel bad, but I really enjoyed the kick's I think. Like, from a certain perspective, I enjoyed having some power over you guys. I mean, a simple swing and you guys are out of it! I can do that whenever I want, and you can't really do anything about it! I wouldn't do it whenever, I wouldn't! I know it hurts, and I get that. But the feeling I get from it is really sweet."

"I get that." Aaron said, looking at me. He turned back to Diane. "I get the same kinda feeling too. First day we were here, for orientation, Cameron let me kick him. Both of our first times, and it was exactly like you said. It was empowering. It was a great feeling under my foot too, I enjoyed it a lot! Hate feeling it on the receiving end. But giving feels great."

"I'm in the same boat. I enjoy watching and giving. There's something really... engaging about it for me. But baby don't hurt me." I said laughing.

"Don't huurrt mee. No more!" Alexa added, singing the tune. I kept up my laugh.

"But it's good to hear we got some ballbusters here. Diego and Josh don't feel the same way about it, which is unfortunate." Alexa said.

"Yeah, it really is. They're so cute too." I said.

Alexa laughed. "Yeah, I know. Both are really attractive. But you all will grow to be handsome guys one day too, don't knock yourselves."

"Awww, thanks Alexa. You're really pretty too." I said.

"I try my best. Also, you too Diane! You'll grow into your body soon, you're a late bloomer. You'll have guys bend over backwards for you."

"Perfect opportunity to kick them in the balls." Aaron said, getting us all to laugh.

I looked around at the 3 people around me. All 3 of us smiling, having a good time, laughing with one another. Being open. This is what I wanted going into camp. And I had this and more. I loved this camp so much. There were times when I didn't want to be here anymore. Some of the lowest points of my life, to this point. But the high points were higher than anything else, and I wouldn't trade any of it. Because every experience I had here helped mold me into who I am now. And I'm happy with where I am. I'm happy with what happened. For the most part, probably.

Dinner was shortly after this. Dinner was nice, I didn't even think about Cameron for most of it either. Only noticed him like once, and he was eating quietly. I feel like that kick earlier really dampened his spirits. He looked to be in a great mood before that. Laughing, making jokes. Then, I forgot he was in the room. I felt bad when I noticed. I wanted to go over and cheer him up... but that would of made sense. And that's just unacceptable in Camp Hardwood.

Honestly though, I was scared to talk to him. I didn't want it to be awkward, and I didn't want to hear him get mad at me or something. Looking back, it probably would have been awkward for like, 2 seconds, then it would either work or it wouldn't. But I was scared.

After dinner, me, Tim and Aaron went back to the cabin.

"You know, I kinda wish there was something in this room. It feels... kinda bare." Tim said.

"Well, a bit. But we're only here when we want to relax, there doesn't need to be much else here." I said.

"A TV?" Aaron asked.

"Cable would be great, actually." I said. "But... I feel staying inside should be discouraged at a summer camp."

"That's true. I'm sure there'd be some people who'd just stay inside and watch TV all day." Aaron said.

"Who'd sit inside all day and watch TV at a summer camp?" Tim asked.

"Weirdos, that's who. I mean, this camp is called Camp Hardwood. There has to be at least one weirdo, right?" I said, jokingly.

"Of course. Wait, maybe we're the weirdos?" Aaron asked.

"Maybe you guys are. Not me though." Tim said.

"Oh? What makes you special? Uh, I mean... not special?" I asked, not sure.

"Well... in the context of being surrounded by 2 weirdos, if he's normal... I think he's the weirdo, right?" Aaron replied.

"Yeah, but then... that makes us not weird. And if we're not weird... then he can't be weird. Because he's only weird... because he's not weird, but surrounded by weird people. But we aren't weird, which-"

"Wait, wait. Slow down Cevin." Aaron said. "... We're weird. But since we're the majority, we, together, aren't weird. Thus, Tim's in the minority, and he's weird."

"Yes, but he's only weird, because we're weird and he isn't. Right?"

Aaron looked to the sky, scratching his head. "...Yes?"

"Okay, so... he's weird because he's not weird. But that means that he's weird. But he's only weird because he isn't weird. So that point defeats itself. So..."

Tim jumped in next. "No, I'm still not weird, but in this situation, I'm the weird one. So I'm not weird, but you guys are. So since I... uh, what are the words..." 

"Deviate from the norm?" Aaron said.

"Yeah, that's it! Since I deviate from the norm with you guys... I'm weird. But since the… thing, is weirdness... I'm not weird." Tim said, looking confused.

"Okay. So, in this, weird is normal, because it's the majority. Okay, I get it! We're just switching the words, because the words that depend on the other, are being focused on in a fun way."

"Okay... yes?" Aaron said.

"That sounds correct." Tim said.

"Okay... so, who's weird? Us or Tim?" Aaron asked.

I looked to the sky. "...Uh... we are... because what we're doing, is saying we are the weird ones. But we're dividing the population of this camp... into just the 3 of us. And in the context of the camp... we are weird, since weird is different from normal. So that makes me and Aaron weird. Tim isn't weird, because he falls in line with everyone else... yeah, yeah. Okay, yeah. Tim isn't weird because he's normal in the big picture. We are weird because we are different. But in this discussion, we are... constraining the population for... some reason? Which makes him stand out. But he isn't weird, because if he were to be considered weird... then that would mean... that we would have to change the definition of weird. And if we change the definition of weird, it would have to apply to the everything. But it wouldn't, because if we did, then that would mean that the weird people are in the majority. But the definition of weird can't apply to the majority, because weird, like Tim said... deviates from norm. So... we are still the weird ones Aaron."

"...Okay. I believe you." Aaron said.

Me and Aaron just held eye contact, until Tim started laughing. Me and Aaron joined in right after, laughing at him laughing. 

"You kids are something else." Tim said shaking his head.

"Yeah, we're weird. I think I just proved that in more ways than one." I said gleefully.

"Yeah, maybe... but weird or not, you guys are alright in my book." Tim said.

"Wait, does that mean we get the pass to say the N word?" I asked. 

"Woah, uh... well, maybe-" Tim started. 

"How about!?" Aaron butted in, and we turned. "If you let us say nigga, we'll let you say faggot."

I saw Tim smirk, as he threw the idea around in his head. I felt this was a good time to push my luck a bit. 

"Like earlier, when you felt dumb for saying faggot. You can say it with no consequences!"

"And all I'd have to let happen, is you kids be racist little shits?"

"Well..." I started, being put on the backfoot. Thankfully, Aaron swooped in the save me. 

"You'll only let us be racist towards you, it won't apply towards other people. Like, you can't give us permission to go downtown and call people nigga, you know?" 

"Yeah. It's just with you." 

"Hmmm..." Tim smiled and nodded his head, scratching his chin. "I can dig, I can dig."

"That would mean however, that you can't call other twinkles faggots, or anything." I added. 

"Of course, of course. So, I can call you guys faggots?" Tim asked. 

"Sure, my nigga." I said.

"It's lit, faggots." Tim said, getting me to laugh.

"It's lit?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah. It's going well. It's on fire. In the good way! Like, you know how people say 'damn, he's on fire.' They don't actually mean he's burning alive! They mean he's... on a hot streak, or something." Tim explained.

"Okay, okay. I like that. I always feel late to the party with this shit." Aaron said.

"Really? I assumed you'd be with it. You smoke and everything." I said.

"Just because someone likes the kush, doesn't mean they are with it." Tim said.

"Yeah. It took me so fucking long to realize when people said they ship two people, that means that they can see them together." Aaron said.

"Wait, what? What the fuck did you think it meant?" Tim asked, laughing.

"I thought they just didn't want them around anymore. Like, wanted to ship them off. I was so confused as to why everyone wanted to deport the pretty people." Aaron said, trying to hold back laughter. I couldn't hold my laughter back.

"You really thought..." I started off, interrupting myself with a fit of laughter. "... that people wanted to deport each other? What the fuck Aaron..." I said with tears in my eyes.

"How was I to know..."

"How long did it take you to realize?" Tim asked, holding his laughter in.

"Legit, like 3 months."

"HAHAHAHAHA" I belted out.

"Holy shit..." Tim eked out under heavy laughter.

When I cleared the tears out of my eyes, I stared at Aaron. He was smiling at me and I shook my head.

"Oh Aaron... you may be weird. But I wouldn't have you any other way." I started laughing again. "'Oh, I so totally ship Kyle and Megan.'" I said in a stereotypical white girl voice. I followed up with a deeper voice. "'Kyle's a pretty cool dude, why does she want to deport him and Megan?'" I said laughing again.

"Hey, it's not totally unbelievable! My school is filled with assholes. Throwing people on a row boat, pushing them off to the Atlantic with nothing but a paddle and resentment is totally in the realm of possibility in my school." Aaron said laughing, garnering our laughter too.

"All the kids in my school do are throw paper balls at each other, talk shit and the occasional sack tap." Tim said smiling.

"That only happens if they like you at my school. If they don't, oh may God have mercy on you, because those demons won't." Aaron said, getting me to laugh.

"Jesus dude. What school to do you go to."

"It's a public school, right next to my house. Legit, a 3 minute walk. It's called Clinton High School."

"Oh shit my guy. You go to Clinton?" Tim asked.

"You heard of it?" I asked.

"Yeah, I do. I know a couple of people who go there. Fucking dickheads." Tim said laughing.

"What are their names?" Aaron asked.

"Uhhh... Jared Kelvin, and Jason Christopher." Tim said.

"Oh, I know them! Yeah, fucking assholes." Aaron said laughing. "I know this one time, I walked into the bathroom. My school crush was using the urinal actually, minding his own business. He's real cute and sweet, he'd never hurt anyone. But JC was standing behind him, pointing at him and laughing with his buddy. My crush has no idea they're eyeballing him. I was going to warn him, but it was too late. JC took a short running start and punted him in the balls while he was taking a piss."

"Yo, what the fuck!" Tim cried in horror. He cupped himself, and I did too. That was nasty.

"I know! Dude, he was floored forever. JC wouldn't stop laughing, as he just lied there in tears, asking what he did to deserve this. He's really cute too, I felt so bad for him. A teacher had to come in and help him out, take him to the nurse. He was out the next day, walked funny when he came back." Aaron said.

"They ever get you?" I asked.

"Actually, no. I was able to make friends with the handful of decent people there, and remain invisible to everyone but a couple of asshats. They never sacked me though, thank god."

We talked a bit more, but nothing too interesting. Tim eventually went off to talk to the girls before bed. Me and Aaron declined to join him. Instead we went out for a walk to end the night.

"Today was a good day." I said to Aaron, as we left the room, heading to the door outside. It was dark out, and basically what should be bed time. 

"Yeah, it was. We spent the entire day talking and having fun." Aaron said.

"I know. I really needed a day like this, after everything with Cameron."

Aaron nodded. "I didn't need it, but I really appreciated it." Aaron said as we exited the Cabin. 

We didn't say much as we naturally walked towards the water. You could see the night really well, which I guess is a bit of a weird thing to say. But, the stars were sparkling over, and it made me feel so small. Walking on this tiny piece of land, next to this cool guy, with all of those galaxies burning so far away from us. Not to mention the lake of water that gently washed onto the sandy beach in front. I began to think about how small this lake actually is, and how there are so much bigger bodies of water elsewhere. It all made me feel so insignificant. And, then it made everything here feel so... aimless. I didn't know. 

"I feel so small..." Aaron said as we walked closer to the shore. We stopped walking before we got too close. 

"Yeah, man... like... we're one of those specks of light on another planet. We might not even be a speck of light, we... just aren't there, for some."

"You think there are other living things, looking up at the sky like we are? Somewhere else, on a different planet?"

"I... think so, yeah. We can't be the only ones, right?"

We were silent for some moments, as we continued to enjoy the air. I wondered if we really were the only ones.

"Would it be better if we were the only ones?"

I smiled as I looked down and thought about it. The question hit me pretty hard, and I didn't know how to answer. Then, his hand moved towards mine as I had it on my side, unsuspecting. His fingers searched for their place between my fingers and I suddenly lost my ability to think about anything else. I had to look up at him, and there he was. Aaron he had this sweetness about him, in the way he looked, and what that look said to me me right there. There was nothing wrong with him in the moment. His black hair stopped right before his strong eyebrows, like hanging cliffs over two sets of shores. I don't know. I felt kind of helpless in the moment. 

The next thing I know, we were kissing on the beach. I didn't know what to do, but I didn't need to know, or think, or anything. It just felt right in a weird way, like it's always been there, and I just realized it for the first time. His skin was soft and warm, I felt his hands pulling on me, dragging me closer. And I wanted to get closer, as close as I could. I ended up falling over him, but it didn't matter. The sand was alright, it's texture didn't bother us. We wanted each other, anyways. 

Aaron pushed me over, and began to take over. I let it happen, but we both tried to stay close through it. He moved his knee too close though, and a pressure pushed into my stomach. I let out a yelp without trying to constrain it, since it was unexpected. Aaron instantly jumped and stopped when he heard it. But, I assured him it was fine, and pulled his neck down towards me. We started to kiss again. 

Everything felt right for some more moments. Then, we heard a yell. 

"Stop! Guys, stop!" 

Me and Aaron pulled away and looked up together. We saw a bigger body running at us. I felt Aaron jump off me, and I was frozen in fear. 

"Stop fighting! No more fighting, please!" 

It was Josh, and he got to us insanely quickly. 

"Please, stop! I don't want to see you guys fight any-"

"We weren't fighting!" I said quickly. 

Josh looked at me, catching his breath and seemed confused. He looked at Aaron, and I heard Aaron confirm it. 

"We weren't fighting, honest!"

"But... I heard a scream. And you two were... oh my god. I'm so sorry! Oh my God!" Josh started to hide his face, and I could tell he felt terrible. 

"I'm so sorry. Uh, I'm gonna go! Sorry! So, so sorry!" Josh turned around and began rushing back to the cabin. I stared at him running away. Then, I turned back to Aaron. His head was down and shaking. He was rubbing his hair.

"I... I'm sorry." I heard him meek out. 

"No... no, don't be. Um." 

We sat on the sand for some awkward moments, the rush of things from before were clearing out. But, the moment and energy passed. We felt weird. I heard Aaron sigh, and I felt bad.

"Do you wanna go inside, Aaron?"

"Yeah. Sorry."

I didn't bother putting away his sorry. He didn't need to say it, but we both felt pretty shorted. Not that it's either of our faults, or anyone's really. It's sort of funny when you think about it and don't focus on the disappointment and all that. 

We walked together to the cabin. I kept Aaron in the corner of my eyes as we walked forward with my head down. I could see him feeling glum. I reached my hand out and held onto his, pulling it close and putting my fingers between his. Aaron helped my fingers settle, and I saw him look up with a nice smile. Our hands were together,  and our forearms were lying against the others. We walked slowly with our heads down. We were both smiling. Things felt good. 


  1. Excellent work, as always! Good to see things go well for once, too. Finally felt all warm and fuzzy instead of guilty at the end of this one, hah.

    Looking forward to your next story, whether it's hardwood or something different!

    1. Jantra!

      Haha, thanks for the kind words. It's good that this one feels fuzzy and mostly nice. We certainly needed a day where things feel like they'll be okay. Hopefully, we'll be able to hold onto that feeling. Maybe trap it in a nice glass jar so it doesn't go anywhere. :p

  2. Ha! Well, if it's any consolation, I'm not too scared anymore. Just... a mild sense of nausea ;)

  3. So I don't know if I just missed it or if it was intentional but I was just wondering about Cevin's appearance (hair, face, height, etc).

    Looking forward to your next story, they're always great.

    1. Regarding your wonder, it is intentional.

      I can say that when I see Cevin, I normally see a mostly regular, but healthy growing adolescent. A full, slight mess of (darker) brown hair with a lighter shade of eyes. A fun smile. White skin, but not pale. Clean, innocent face, but he looks kind of sad when he's not smiling. Shorter than Cameron, taller than Aaron. More lanky than lean. I can't tell if I want to punch him or not.

      He's a cute kid. But, that's what I see when I think of him most of the time. It doesn't mean anything more than that. There's a reason it's not mentioned in any of the parts.

      Thanks for the comment/question. And, I'm glad you enjoy the stories! I want to spend more time on writing this summer, because I've some cool ideas coming through. I think you guys will enjoy them ;)

  4. anyone else excited for the next day? :)))
